I always hear how harsh Anadrol is on the liver. Which is more harder on the liver, anadrol or dbol? If you take 50mg anadrol or 50mg of dbol, wouldn't both be just as harsh as the other or am I missing something?
I always hear how harsh Anadrol is on the liver. Which is more harder on the liver, anadrol or dbol? If you take 50mg anadrol or 50mg of dbol, wouldn't both be just as harsh as the other or am I missing something?
I believe that Anadrol is the most toxix oral period
drol is alot harsher, but from what I hear the pumps are freakish and recovery time is quick. Member anything oral is harsh. Have a bottle of drol and I don't wanna take after doing test, but it's a good kickstart when you frontload on a cycle.
Anadrol is harsher then Dbol. Also, you must keep in mind that 50mg/ED of Anadrol is somewhat of a mild dosage while 50mg/ED of Dbol is somewhat high.
Even though Anadrol is one of the harshest oral steroids, I still think that the whole toxicity deal is blown out of proportion. IIRC the only case where usage of Anadrol resulted in Liver failure / Cancer was where some 110lb asian girl was given 60mg/ed of Anadrol for 6 years straight.
Whichever route you choose you will most likely be perfectly fine.
They are identical in harshness, actually.
The catch is anadrol requires a much larger dose at 100mg a day, while Dbol is around 30-50mg a day. Thats where the added toxicity comes from.
100% correct BroOriginally Posted by chris2wire
haha that mustve been one jacked asian girl.Originally Posted by Defconx3
I used anadrol and found it made my body ache like hell, did get much stronger but couldn't use the strength cause i ached so f@$#in bad. I switched to dbol and got huge strong and big and no aching at all. When I looked into doing anadrol I was told it is very harsh on the liver and to be careful using it !! pound for pound Dbol is just as good with fewer sides !!!
Drol > dbol x 50.
I never experienced any of the sides I had with dbol when running 100-150mg/ED of drol.
I love it.
Drol makes me grouchy. Dbol makes me happy and cheerful. To hell with my liver. My head is more important.
Thanks for the replies. I am getting in some drol that I want to use to kick my next cycle. I can't deal with the sides from dbol. For some reason everytime I take dbol, I have a hard time catching my breath within the first week taking it. When I took drol before, I did not seem to have this problem. I don't bloat hardly at all off of either one of them.
100% agreed!Originally Posted by The Baron
Also Drol makes me sick (nausia e.g.), I have problems to eat, while with D-Bol, things go great!
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