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  1. #1
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Help with first cycle

    5,10 168 21 years old working out 22 months bf??
    First Cycle

    Weeks 1-10 test cyp 250mgs
    Weeks 1-10 eq 500mgs
    Weeks 7-13 win 50mgs ed
    clomid day aftter 300mgs
    100mgs 10 days
    50mgs 10 days

    Ok its almost definite that thats the cycle im gonna do
    im hoping to start first week of May.

    Im just wondering if i should even keep the cyp in there is it necessary and i know ill get a few responses tellin me to up it to 500mgs which im not gonna do its either 250 or nothing.
    Bascially if i get rid of the test how much am i really losing out on ???

    Im edgy as it is im hoping i dont become a dick on this stuff this is my first cycle its all new to me.

    Any words of advice or critizim is fine and i want to hear any opions out there

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Well if you leave the Test out your looking at basicly a cutting cycle.
    Eq isn't a steroid that your going to gain alot of mass from very quickly. You'll gain quality muscle but it's a slower gain and most of the time the gains are permenent.
    @ 5'10 168lbs I'm assuming you wanna gain some lbs right? Well w/ out the Cyp your not going to put on alot of weight.
    I'm sure everyone on the board would agree w/ me if I tell you to up the Cyp to 500mgs, but it's your choice. You'll be kicking yourself in the ass when your done saying "Dam...I should have uped the Cyp to 500mgs like the guys told me to"
    GoodLuck Bro..


  3. #3
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Originally posted by MBaraso
    Well if you leave the Test out your looking at basicly a cutting cycle.
    Eq isn't a steroid that your going to gain alot of mass from very quickly. You'll gain quality muscle but it's a slower gain and most of the time the gains are permenent.
    @ 5'10 168lbs I'm assuming you wanna gain some lbs right? Well w/ out the Cyp your not going to put on alot of weight.
    I'm sure everyone on the board would agree w/ me if I tell you to up the Cyp to 500mgs, but it's your choice. You'll be kicking yourself in the ass when your done saying "Dam...I should have uped the Cyp to 500mgs like the guys told me to"
    GoodLuck Bro..


    I just dont want to go too crazy with my first cycle. I want to be carful but i do want to do the best cycle i can do. I have a great routine and i have learned to eat a lot better, I do need to add some size and i heard the eq can help me gain muscle if i eat right on it and the lil bit of test im using can only help. Im not sure i find my self second guessing(in terms of what and how much to use) a lot when it comes to doing the gear.

  4. #4
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Diesel
    I am running something similiar.
    Running Enanthate instead of Cyp and running all at higher dose.
    Keep the test and I would up it (but you have already heard that).
    As far as being edgy and hoping that you won't become a dick on this cycle. If you do, it is not the sauce, your just well, a dick.
    Yea but i seen some people i know on the stuff act differnlty im just hoping that wont be me.

  5. #5
    jbrand's Avatar
    jbrand is offline Member
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    Originally posted by xplicit

    I just dont want to go too crazy with my first cycle. I want to be carful but i do want to do the best cycle i can do. I have a great routine and i have learned to eat a lot better, I do need to add some size and i heard the eq can help me gain muscle if i eat right on it and the lil bit of test im using can only help. Im not sure i find my self second guessing(in terms of what and how much to use) a lot when it comes to doing the gear.
    there is nothing 'crazy' about this cycle. test would be the LAST thing i would drop, i would say up it to 500mg/week and remove something else if you really are concerned.

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