I've done about 4 cycles in the last 5 of so years. Been really healthy. Anyway. I fell off a ladder after getting shocked by some power lines in the ceiling and landed on cement breaking my hip in a bad way. I had surgery two weeks ago and they put in a couple of rods and nail in my hip. The doctor had kinda of a wait and see approach to whether or not it would heal. He think it will because i'm young but there is always a chance it wont or it would heal wrong ect.
My question is i just finished a cycle and pct 3 weeks prior to this happening. I think I had a good pct even though i didn't go as long on the clomid as I should have. Just used one bottle of lions clomid at 300,200, 100 , 100, 100 ecttill it was out. Does anyone know if steroid use hurts bone regrowth or maybe it helps it??? Just wondering