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Thread: Do steroids hurt the regrowth of bones?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Do steroids hurt the regrowth of bones?

    I've done about 4 cycles in the last 5 of so years. Been really healthy. Anyway. I fell off a ladder after getting shocked by some power lines in the ceiling and landed on cement breaking my hip in a bad way. I had surgery two weeks ago and they put in a couple of rods and nail in my hip. The doctor had kinda of a wait and see approach to whether or not it would heal. He think it will because i'm young but there is always a chance it wont or it would heal wrong ect.

    My question is i just finished a cycle and pct 3 weeks prior to this happening. I think I had a good pct even though i didn't go as long on the clomid as I should have. Just used one bottle of lions clomid at 300,200, 100 , 100, 100 ecttill it was out. Does anyone know if steroid use hurts bone regrowth or maybe it helps it??? Just wondering


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Maybe you should consult your physician? You said that you didn't go on clomid as long as you should have? maybe you should get some tests done and see were your testosterone is at. If your natural production is low, than maybe that might interfere with your he****g. I don't KNOW anything, not a docter and don't claim to be one. just ideas. Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i also don't know why it **** out heal-ing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Test helps bone growth bro. They use Androgel for osteo.

    As long as you had a good PCT and your natural test level is still up there, it will help your bone regrowth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You ran the exact pct that I am running now. I feel that it is sufficient for me, so I would say that you would probably be fine.

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