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Thread: Is Deca good second time around?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Is Deca good second time around?

    A few questions if anyone has the answers:

    1. I did Deca 300mg/week for my first cycle with test cyp 300mg/week as well. I'm now ready for my second cycle. Are receptors still available for deca? Is it okay to just keep doing deca, or should I change?

    2. Have decided to do Deca 300mg/Primobolan 200mg for 10 weeks second cycle. Sound good? Want something with low incidence of sides since I am very sensitive to anything new that goes into my body. Got some skin problems with last cycle, and think it was from the test.

    3. I have a doctor who is fantastic at writing scripts. He wrote me a prescription for my entire last cycle. From what I've read, primobolan is not available in the U.S. however. Is this true, or can a doctor write a prescription for primobolan? If not, is there anything comparable to primobolan that a doctor can write a prescription for in the U.S.?

    Thanks everybody.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    1. you can stay with deca though i would use EQ, lil more anabolic, no deca dick, and no chance of deca=associated gyno

    2. depends on what skin problem you had..if it was acne yes it was the test, if it was nipple lumps, could be either

    3. not sure about the availability of primo..someone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    primo and EQ?

    So primobolan and EQ. That sounds good too.

    The skin problem was bumps on the front of my traps. Doc said it was acne, but it was localized there and didn't look like acne to me, more like a rash.

    How much EQ would y'all recommend if I were to go with that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Primo is good, but not at 200mg a week. You should consider doing at least 400 to 600 mg each week. That translates into ed or at least eod shots. If you had good results with deca, I say stick with it. People like EQ for different reasons, but there is nothing wrong with deca if done with test. You can find primo depot or primoteston, I don't know if your doctor's script will work however. If not, you can always get it like the rest of us, BLACK MARKET.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Why so much primo?

    I got the 200mg dosage from the profiles section of this site. A quote:

    "Those who have more patience or are afraid of potential side effects will usually be very satisfied with a stack of Primobolan Depot 200mg/week and Deca-Durabolin 200-400 mg/week."

    That's me, afraid of side effects

    Anybody else know if a doc in the U.S. can write a script for primo?

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