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Thread: Question About Needles And Viens...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA

    Question About Needles And Viens...

    Ok I keep reading posts here and there about needles and viens, i want to get this FIGURED OUT FOR SURE

    - If i hit a vien i wont die... it will just bleed right?

    - If i actually inject in a vien, i will die right? and in how long?

    - What are the chances of actually INJECTING into a vien?

    - Is it true the deeper i go in with the needle the less chance i have to hit a vien?

    - And finally, WHAT IS THE GOAL? just to inject the stuff into the muscle? (i assume...)



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    if you hit a vein, it will bleed more profusely

    it is POSSIBLE to die, but HIGHLY unlikely if you're careful

    chances of hitting a vein are not to be ignored. that's why you aspirate, and if you see blood, withdraw, put on a new needle, and try again

    and yes, the goal is to inject deep into the muscle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Thanks for the reply tony...

    However care to clearify what you mean by "aspirate"?

    So you are saying withdraw and drain the syringe and and use a new one? Can i not just withdraw and restick it somewhere else? or resticking after i just stuck is not a good idea? (the needle becomes dull?)

    Also the deeper i go less chance of hitting a vien/injecting into a vien? is that true?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tonytone
    if you hit a vein, it will bleed more profusely

    it is POSSIBLE to die, but HIGHLY unlikely if you're careful

    chances of hitting a vein are not to be ignored. that's why you aspirate, and if you see blood, withdraw, put on a new needle, and try again

    and yes, the goal is to inject deep into the muscle
    well said

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    when you go all the way in, pull the plunger back a see a bubble, good to see blood come in the syringe, then withdraw the pin, put a new pin on the same syringe with the same oil, and shoot again..not true IMO about going deeper for less chance of hitting one

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Roid Rage

    - If i hit a vien i wont die... it will just bleed right?

    - If i actually inject in a vien, i will die right? and in how long?

    - What are the chances of actually INJECTING into a vien?

    - Is it true the deeper i go in with the needle the less chance i have to hit a vien?

    - And finally, WHAT IS THE GOAL? just to inject the stuff into the muscle? (i assume...)

    - Yes....dark red.

    - No you will not die. The oil will get pumped through the body and into your lungs. You will start to cough....and its nearly uncontrolable. Its the body's natural reaction to t rid the 'foreign' substance.

    - Yes

    - Steroid injections are to be administered IM(intramuscular...into the the muscle).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    heroin is injected into veins right? how do they now die from it, is it just the differnce in drugs?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Thanks guys,

    Tony OR ANYONE else who can explain what he means by this...
    "when you go all the way in, pull the plunger back a see a bubble, good to go"

    So pull the plunger back a bit and bring air? into the syringe? What type of bubble? because as far as i know you wouldn't want any air or anything in the syringe, so how does a bubble get into the syringe if i pull the plunger back?

    Sorry about the additional question, but i'd be stupid not to ask until i fully understood before sticking myself with needles... right?

    Quote Originally Posted by freakintraining
    heroin is injected into veins right? how do they now die from it, is it just the differnce in drugs?
    Dont start with this lame drug junkie talk into the thread....

    Last edited by Roid Rage; 07-30-2005 at 07:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    With the needle in your muscle, hold the syringe, pull back on the plunger part, if you see blood enter the syringe remove the needle put a new needle on the syringe and start again. If you should inject into a vein you will not die, like Dragonslayer said, you will cough uncontrolable and more than likely be sick a couple of days.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Roid Rage
    Thanks guys,

    So pull the plunger back a bit and bring air? into the syringe? What type of bubble? because as far as i know you wouldn't want any air or anything in the syringe, so how does a bubble get into the syringe if i pull the plunger back?
    You are not actually pulling air into the syringe. The vacuum is what causes the resistance when you aspirate and the tiny bubble is the result of the vacuum...its not really air. Little resistance is met when your needle is in a vein and you will see blood enter the syringe. Just simply pull out your needle/syringe change needle and find another site.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    you aspirate to see if you get blood. If you do get blood, DO NOT inject. This means you are in a vein. If you do not get blood you are in a muscle and it is safe to inject.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by freakintraining
    heroin is injected into veins right? how do they now die from it, is it just the differnce in drugs?

    Yeah heroin is injected into the vein. People die from heroin when they inject too much. Usually what happens is they fall asleep, they stop breathing (because resperation is decreased) and their lungs fill with liquid. This happened to a couple of my buddies (RIP)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    thanks guys

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    quad injections

    Hi...why do some guys hate the quad injection site so much ? today was my third time..had about 2-3 drops blood...i dont aspirate cause i choose a meaty site and i am very fair skinned and can see all veins and i find it nearly impossible to keep hand steady when trying to aspirate...i inject on outisde most part...about 1.5 to prob...on hassle was last week with test cyp...about 3 days after inejction quad was hectic sore ! i think its safest site for me cause i can see exactly what i am doin..anyone think similarly ?


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Roid Rage
    So pull the plunger back a bit and bring air? into the syringe? What type of bubble? because as far as i know you wouldn't want any air or anything in the syringe, so how does a bubble get into the syringe if i pull the plunger back?
    The bubble is not air. It is vacuum... emptiness. Nothingness. You have the pin deep in the muscle, and are trying to suck up something but nothing, hopefully, is there to suck up. The idea is to ensure that you are not in a vein. If you are in a vein, when you aspirate, you will get blood. Otherwise, you will be sucking and nothing going back up into the syringe, so you have a small vaccuum bubble, or several of them. When you release the plunger and thereby release the suction, the bubbles do not go down the pin into the injection site... they simply disappear, cease to exist. At this point you know it is safe to continue with the injection by pressing the plunger and shooting the gear into the muscle.

    Sorry about the additional question, but i'd be stupid not to ask until i fully understood before sticking myself with needles... right?
    See the site. Read and heed.

    Dont start with this lame drug junkie talk into the thread....
    Actually, I will bite on that one. Heroin is dissolved in water, and so it disperses and does not interfere with the ability of the blood vessels to carry oxygenated blood to critical tissues like lungs, heart, and brain. If you have ever watched junkies in the movies cook up their shot in their spoon over a candle, you will figure it out... it is a water based injection. Most gear is oil based. What happens when you get a large amount of oil into a vein is it travels in a big bubble through the vein and eventually as it makes the rounds through the circulatory system it gets into smaller and smaller blood vessels until when it is in tiny cappilaries that must have oxygenated blood passing through to keep the surrounding tissue alive, it blocks the oxygenated blood from that tissue. Eventually it will flow through and then blood flow is restored through the affected capillaries, but in the meantime while the oil is passing, there is no oxygen for that tissue. In extreme cases the tissue will die. So, you get stroke if it occurs in the brain, possible heart attack if it occurs in heart muscle, etc etc. As you can probably guess, it takes quite a bit of oil for this to actually cause death... probably a minimum of a full cc and I have heard 3cc mentioned. A small trace of oil can be enough to cause a reaction in the lungs, though. But don't confuse that reaction with "fina cough", which does not depend on having oil in the bloodstream. So that is why junkies can shoot IV and juicers cannot. Even most of our water-based substances can not be shot IV because they are generally suspensions and not solutions. You end up with little insoluble particles floating around in the bloodstream. Doesn't sound good, to me.

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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Ok, i check out

    and i'm left with 1 question about the aspiration... When doing aspiration, do i PULL THE PIN out of my leg a bit? or just the plunger? - check that out

    in the penatration shot it looks like he goes ALL THE WAY IN... then during aspiration he pulls the pin out a bit. Should this be done? or just go all the way in and pull the plunger a tad, if no blood, good to go?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    actually nevermind i answered my own question with the additional thigh shots, just go in all the way pull the plunger a bit, no blood = good to go

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I think on that site it says to have a little of the needle showing when you inject yourself. So put the needle all the way in the muscle with just a little showing. Pull back on the plunger and if no blood plunge away.

    Good luck.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    yaya i get to stick myself with needles EOD ...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Oh how many times can i reuse the same syringe? I know i can't keep the needles obviously but how many usages can i get out of a syrange would you say?


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Roid Rage
    Oh how many times can i reuse the same syringe? I know i can't keep the needles obviously but how many usages can i get out of a syrange would you say?

    Don't re-use at all. Not needles, not syringes. They are too cheap to risk an infection and not worth the trouble to sterilize with any reliability.

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