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Thread: First self injection (drawing from the vial help)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    First self injection (drawing from the vial help)

    Well i have beeen on a cycle for 6 weeks now and i injected myself for the first time today (my buddy/supplier was doing it for me). I felt like a pretty big rookie considering i was having a hard time drawing the test-e from the vial. Maybe i was doing it wrong (pull back to 1cc, insert neeedle in vial, push syringe all the way, pull back to 1cc) and i was drawing nothing. i was only gettting a little bit and did this till i got 1cc, i felt pretty stupid. Any help on this would be helpful. After that i did an injection on my left delt, was not nervous or anything but i had a hard time gettting it in, my arm was straight but i think i was being to tense, but other then that, it was good. I think ill do my next injection in my legs.

    ANy help on the drawing the test from the vial would be helpful. thanks

    BTW, im 22lbs heavier with hardly any bloat on my dbol/test/deca cycle. first cycle to and im loving it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    What size sticks are you useing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    sounds like u were drawing with to high a needle gauge...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    im using 22g needles, but im pretty sure its the same size i have been using for the whole cycle. I dont really care about the needles considering i get them from the health unit for free

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    22 gauge will work, I'm not try to insult you but ensure that the tip of the needle is in the solution when you extract. Also inject the vial with the air equivalent of the solution you are taking out of the vial.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    make sure the tip is tight and also draw back 1cc of air into the spike then inject the air into the bottle that will create a vacum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    delts and quads
    If you have a hard time, warm up the test a little with a heating pad. It'll help. Hope you've been aspirating before you inject the stuff. Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    use a thicker needle to pull out of vial, then switch the vial to a thinner one.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hemidog66
    make sure the tip is tight and also draw back 1cc of air into the spike then inject the air into the bottle that will create a vacum
    so first you fill the syringe with one cc of air, then insert into the vial, push the air in and then start to withdraw the oil? Sorry, i didnt understand...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yeah that's it. You push in air first so you are not fighting a vaccuum when you draw out the gear. Make sure you do this with the vial inverted, i.e. upside down, with the pin sticking up into it through the stopper, and make sure that the tip of the pin is below the level of the oil so you are not just sucking the air right back in. Take your time. It is harder to draw than to shoot. Thinning the gear with a quick hot water bath will help... just keep the top out of the water and wipe good with an alcohol swab before sticking the jug. I use a 21ga for drawing and a 25ga for shooting. Changing the pin after drawing makes for a much nicer shot.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Get an 18g needle and put that tip on the syringe you plan to use. After drawing it out, take the 18g off and put your original one back on. Will take half the time to draw it out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    Get an 18g needle and put that tip on the syringe you plan to use. After drawing it out, take the 18g off and put your original one back on. Will take half the time to draw it out.
    I wouldn't do it that way. You change the pin twice, that way. Best way is to buy your syringes with the proper size pin for drawing already attached, and also buy your shooting pins. See, here's how I do it... I buy my 3cc syringes with 21ga pins already on them. Those are the pins I draw with. 18 is just too big... it chews up the rubber stopper pretty bad. You can get holes in the stopper that don't seal back up. With a 21, drawing is still quick, but the holes in the stopper close up pretty good and you never see itty bitty bits of rubber in your gear. Anyway, after drawing with my 21ga pin, THEN I change to the shooter... 25ga 1-1/2" for me, everywhere. I only change pins once per shot. Your way, you change twice. Every time you remove the pin you are compromising sterility.

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