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Thread: Cycle advise please

  1. #1

    Cycle advise please

    About to start Sust / EQ cycle at 500 mg and 400 mg/week respectively. What I need help with is the other stuff. Do I really need to take Nolva everyday or what? Also, is the ARR version of Nolva and Clomid good stuff?

    Could use suggestions on how much nolva / clomid to do with cycle. Thanks.

    I am 31. 5'10" 173 lbs. Healthy eater. This is my second cycle but the first was Deca/Testoprim-D which I quit early cause Testoprim is garbage!

  2. #2
    usually on new cycles, guys wait to start using novla to see how prone they are to water retention and gyno. If signs start occuring, start taking it e/d. arr products are great.

  3. #3
    when i said new cycles, i meant new TO cycles....since you didnt finish your first one thoroughlt, just consider this a first cycle. sorry 'bout that!

  4. #4
    cool, thanks.

  5. #5
    no problem bro

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