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Thread: testroviron question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Miami, FL

    testroviron question

    I am interested in learning more on testroviron in particular, I am considering substituting it for sus in my upcoming cycle -what are some results with dosages and gains that you guys have experienced - I havent chekced my source in a while... how common is it, and if it isnt - is there another AS that is similar to it - I did a search and not alot came up .... thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Testoviron is Testosterone Enathate 250mg. I think it works better than Sustanon, personally, becasue it is a long-acting single-ester testosterone, which means it releases slowly and evenly into your blood system. Sustanon has four esters that release at different speeds, so your blood levels tend to swing more.

    (Steady blood levels are good!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    500/wk of testoviron (schering brand) and I'm feelin good. Not much injection pain really, and gains are good. 5.5 weeks into cycle and I am up around 25lbs. I haven't slowed down yet so I'm hoping to gain and keep 30 lbs total. This is my first cycle, and I would recommend the 500/wk dose, monday-thursday injects. I also started off with dbol for four weeks and have run eq with it too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Miami, FL
    yeah thanks ... i just figured that out about the enathate.... i made the mistake because on the site i was reading about it and it was spelled differently then how it is on the board it was spelled "testroviron" for some reason thats why the search came up low...... thanks again ..

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