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Thread: Mexican Gear via Texas/Mexico Border

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Mexican Gear via Texas/Mexico Border

    How hard is to get and bring back gear at the Texas/Mexico border? I have done it at the California/Mexico (tj) border so Im not a newbie. Where are the good towns/areas for legit gear? Anyone ever do Cali and Texas that can compare? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i have only done texas mexico and it's not really that hard from what i've heard it should be the same as in cali. but if you get caught i'm sure texas laws will be harsh compared to cali's laws. I get my gear from vets in Juarez and ny source usually crosses the gear in an extra cost of like 10 bills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    How far into to mexico is juarez?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    How hard is to get and bring back gear at the Texas/Mexico border? I have done it at the California/Mexico (tj) border so Im not a newbie. Where are the good towns/areas for legit gear? Anyone ever do Cali and Texas that can compare? Any help is greatly appreciated.
    I wouldn't do it with all the heat down there right now with the cartel.

    Just coming in to Mexico (Piedras Negras) from the U.S. i got pulled over by 7 military dudes with machine guns.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Drove to Brownsville and walked across. Got my gear and walked back. Was pretty scared when I had to go through customs. Had such a lump in my throat I couldn't talk for 10 shit!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    I wouldn't do it with all the heat down there right now with the cartel.

    Just coming in to Mexico (Piedras Negras) from the U.S. i got pulled over by 7 military dudes with machine guns.

    Did you fight them?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    San Diego border was easy for me. Went down with gf. Took red or blue shuttle bus across from those outlet malls next to the border. Went to revolution st and bought junk and ate dinner, drank some teauila and coronas. Got a bunch of testovirin and taped it to my thighs under my long shorts. Dudes at farmcia gave me the roll of tape and told me the best way to do it in the bathroom. Came back on shuttle, walked past customs with buzz and chatting with gf. Never suspected of anything, easy. I would go with somebody and make it a tourist deal.. I got a nice silver necklace and very nice hammock that is hanging in my back yard now.

  8. #8

    Getting Gear in Mex/Tex Border

    I live in south texas, about 20 miles norht of the mexico border and about 25 miles west of brownsville (mentioned above). I've gone to mexico to get deca, sustanon, and even d bol and I've never had trouble. I go to Progreso, which is a smaller border town than browsville or mcallen. Recently (within the last 2 yrs) customs have allowed people to bring over sustanon 250.
    I know that sounds crazy, but its true. At first i didn't believe it, so i called customs to ask if we were allowed to bring it, and they said yes, as long as its less than 50 ml. I have personally declared sus on more than one occasion and every time, they bust out a list then they radio in, and then they let you cross it. I have no idea why they let you cross but they do.
    Also I've never been stopped after american cops or anything either.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    T.J. Boarder

    I have a buddie that moved to Texas but visits his family here in southern California and always gets his gear through the San Diego boarder I've gone with him and its easy as can be. He never buys to much at a time and always have lunch and checks out some laddies along with a good buzz before coming back over. The drama going on down there is with the drug cartels not much to worry if your a tourist minding your own bussiness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    delts and quads
    Screw TJ. The first time i went they threw me and my friend against the wall and took are money (and they were cops). My friend told me to kool it cuz they would take your i.d so you can't get out or lock you up. So i did. They second time I went I took a friend who's uncle was part of the crappy police force. Everything was sailing after that. If your girl is good lookin, be careful. My boss went down there with his girl and the cops arrested them both and rape his girl while they made him cash out his card. I'm fu%^in serious. I would never bring my lady there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by charlie956
    I live in south texas, about 20 miles norht of the mexico border and about 25 miles west of brownsville (mentioned above). I've gone to mexico to get deca, sustanon, and even d bol and I've never had trouble. I go to Progreso, which is a smaller border town than browsville or mcallen. Recently (within the last 2 yrs) customs have allowed people to bring over sustanon 250.
    I know that sounds crazy, but its true. At first i didn't believe it, so i called customs to ask if we were allowed to bring it, and they said yes, as long as its less than 50 ml. I have personally declared sus on more than one occasion and every time, they bust out a list then they radio in, and then they let you cross it. I have no idea why they let you cross but they do.
    Also I've never been stopped after american cops or anything either.
    Charlie, I used to live in San Benny. If you have a secure (encrypted) email account such as hushmail or cyber-rights, please email me:
    noblestar at cyber-rights dot net

    You can get a free account at which is a good thing to have especially since you can't PM yet.

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Well... it would be a shorter drive for me if I could go through Texas. I have done Tj so atleast I would know what to expect, I have a good spot. Texas would cut the drive by about 15 hours each way b(30 hours total)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    How far into to mexico is juarez?
    juarez is a border town with el paso that;s located in texas.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    I wouldn't do it with all the heat down there right now with the cartel.

    Just coming in to Mexico (Piedras Negras) from the U.S. i got pulled over by 7 military dudes with machine guns.

    that insident is a really isolated incident because that town is actually ran by the drug cartel even the military can't take control

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The mil doesn't have to "take control"... all they have to do is set up their little roadblock, with or without the blessing of the druggies. Believe it or not, politics is still bigger than money in Mexico. When it is election/campaigning time, look out.

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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hey R U from EL Paso

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I was on Juarez the other time trying to get gear but couldnt find a place that could sell me

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by schico28
    Hey R U from EL Paso
    yes i am

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by schico28
    I was on Juarez the other time trying to get gear but couldnt find a place that could sell me
    you can go to pharmacies or vets. ask around, cab divers etc and you'll get there. Also try to it will be easier to buy downtown but i've never done that i go deeper into the city to avoid a lot of annoying things, besides my cousin works at a pharmacy and he hooks me up . IMO vet is the way to go.

  20. #20
    I tell you what is going on in juarez mexico in about three weeks. Heading down to EP and staying around for a week or so. Picking up some Gear and some Chicos Tacos, got to get my Tacos in that sauce.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by Berg Heil
    I tell you what is going on in juarez mexico in about three weeks. Heading down to EP and staying around for a week or so. Picking up some Gear and some Chicos Tacos, got to get my Tacos in that sauce.
    Oh Yeah!!! I miss Chicos!
    I have bought from Pharmas down in J town, and brought it right back across. Not hard at all.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Just a all honesty ( please answer this) why don't you guys just pack it all up ( we all know the *******y ways of doing it) and mail it back to your residence? MUCH MUCH safer doing it that way IMO.

  23. #23
    I'm in the Military and recently went home (TX) on leave. I live 10 minutes away from the border and have made the trip numerous times. I recently (late July) went to Matamoros MX and bought 4 - 20 ml bottles of winny and 1 -10 ml bottle of test 250. I always make sure to wear briefs and stick them in my groin area. NEVER been hasseled on the way back!

    - Never drive over....Always walk the bridge!

    - You have to make sure to walk back and keep your cool!

    - Always buy either a bottle of liquor or other items to state a reason for the trip

    - Winny will be found with the vetenarians...not the pharmacies! Don't worry, vetenarians are always near...just ask a pharmacy for one!

    - Try not to go alone / once you cross, do your business and come straight back....don't talk to anyone outside of the pharmacies

    - You should never have to go more than 5 -10 minutes deep into Mexico from a Border town.....Everything you need is usually no more than 4 -5 blocks from the Border (even Vetenarians)


    any more questions...PM Me
    Last edited by RICK79916; 09-09-2007 at 05:22 AM.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by charlie956
    Recently (within the last 2 yrs) customs have allowed people to bring over sustanon 250.
    I know that sounds crazy, but its true. At first i didn't believe it, so i called customs to ask if we were allowed to bring it, and they said yes, as long as its less than 50 ml. I have personally declared sus on more than one occasion and every time, they bust out a list then they radio in, and then they let you cross it. I have no idea why they let you cross but they do.
    Also I've never been stopped after american cops or anything either.

    I cannot be certain of this; however, I will tell you my experience...

    I made a trip once where I taped 6 10ml vials of Sust/Winny/Deca (2 each) to my groin area. Right as I was going through customs, I felt a vial come loose and roll out of my pant....In front of the Agent's eyes.
    He picked it up and asked me if I had any more. Only to lessen the possibility of a search, I replied, "I have 1 more....let me get it out!" He looked at the vials and searched through a list on a clipboard. I was nervous...but kept my cool. He said, "next time...don't hide it"... and let me enter the U.S. with the two vials he had in his hand.

    Crazy Fkin Experience....To this day, I still tape the stuff...just a little bit better than before!

    ***The 2 vials that the agent saw were both Sust 250***

    IMO I wouldn't risk claiming it through customs
    Last edited by RICK79916; 09-09-2007 at 05:36 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    I don't know if I would ever just show and tell them that you have Sust. ... that's pretty balls'y! I do know that I was sick one time and I went over there,.. bought a couple different cillians, and my wife some Birth Control Pills, and when I was coming back they asked me my purpose for being over there. I told them, and showed them everything... told them I was sick...and they just waived me through like no big deal. Then when I got home I told my wife, and she looked at me like I was crazy!
    I just was so sick, I never even thought about it.

  26. #26

    - El Paso, Tx ===== Juarez, Mexico

    - Brownsville, Tx ====== Matamoros, Mexico (2nd Best IMO)

    - San Benito, Tx ====== Progreso, Mexico (Best IMO)

    *****Stay Away From Nuevo Laredo, Mexico**** (Too Much Cartel Violence....and if you have some size to you, they'll automatically suspect the trip was for juice)
    Last edited by RICK79916; 09-09-2007 at 04:33 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by RICK79916

    - El Paso, Tx ===== Juarez, Mexico

    - Brownsville, Tx ====== Matamoros, Mexico (2nd Best IMO)

    - San Benito, Tx ====== Progreso, Mexico (Best IMO)

    *****Stay Away From Nuevo Laredo, Mexico**** (Too Much Cartel Violence....and if you have some size to you, they'll automatically suspect the trip was for juice)
    Good Point.
    I've only done the El Paso - J-Town. and I always bring back a bottle of Jose, Hornetos, and Patron. :>)

  28. #28
    I've personally experienced all 4 of the above stated border-towns; my opinions are based on availability, personal security, custom's intensity, and ease !

  29. #29
    GAWD, I miss the late-night Chico's Tacos!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by RICK79916
    GAWD, I miss the late-night Chico's Tacos!
    No Doubt!
    Especialy after a long night at Dallas night club.

  31. #31
    Rick79 - Ur story is Fuk crazy.. Man I'm planning on using some Koban tape for my stuff. Matamoros MX??

    J-Town has gotten big.. fixed Wally World with a Home Depot and a Golden Corral.

    Haven't picked up stuff in J-town for sometime... YEARS!!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTAME
    Just a all honesty ( please answer this) why don't you guys just pack it all up ( we all know the *******y ways of doing it) and mail it back to your residence? MUCH MUCH safer doing it that way IMO.
    BECUZ Juarez is in MEXICO and it can, most likely will, get checked coming through the mail. Take it into your Broader town and them mail it. Thats my take on why.

    .02 here

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by Berg Heil
    Rick79 - Ur story is Fuk crazy.. Man I'm planning on using some Koban tape for my stuff. Matamoros MX??

    J-Town has gotten big.. fixed Wally World with a Home Depot and a Golden Corral.

    Haven't picked up stuff in J-town for sometime... YEARS!!
    I haven't either. I plan on a J-Town trip pretty soon though. I will let y'all know how it goes... (If I am gone, and noone in here hears from me... you know I got busted)!
    In that case.... Keep me in your prayers!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    easy in san louis Az and palomas NM. Allways walk it across, never drive.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    south cali
    NO more TJ, i used to make a trip every 3 mths for gear with the Mom's. It was so easy, stop at smart and final as well, lol. I dont trust the BP no and its scary. I have had 3 friends get busted my us and mx and its no fun. I am just lucky. I too get my gear from Juarez but its all here in the us already, lol.. lucky i guess.

  36. #36

    Just got back

    Well all I will say is there is a ton of Veterinary grade VQ n J-Town. I was told that its all a cover. I really don;t know. I've never used Vet Test so I really didn't know.

    Went down to get some Dianabol / D-bol (methandrostenolone) can't get any of t were I'm at. So that was my man Goal. Most of it was done in Auto-injectors not the D-Bol. More along the lne of TEST-E or Test-P.

    J-town has clean its self up, streets aren't as bad as the papers say they are. Clean too, not to may people out asking for $$$. I still wouldn't get drunk downtown.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    Born and raised in El Paso. Juarez is a walk in the park... IF you know what you're doing!

    I can't believe there are people on this board who have heard of Chico's Tacos. That cracks me up!

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    In the gym
    I had to go to Juraez and TJ for work less then a month ago. We had to do property assessments on some fuked up proeperties that got loans from JP Morgan Asset Mgmt. I wanted to sneak away soooooo bad and hit up the pharms but it was just me and another girl from the office and she was latched on to me like my shadow. She had never even left the east coast before.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    good luck

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    its amazing to me how a thread gets bumped after sitting for over 2 years...

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