I'm am considering doing a Primo and winny only cycle,
because thats all that is available to me.
I'm male, 6ft, 185lbs, been lifting for 5 years, and have
never used AS before. I'm looking to gain 5 - 10 pounds
of lean muscle. Would the following give me the results
I'm looking for?
Weeks 1-8 -> 200mg Primobolan /wk
Weeks 4-8 -> 50mg Winstrol tab /eod
Clomid ???
Since the winny has the latest starting point, am I
supposed to use the clomid 8-12 hrs after my last
tab, or shouldI base the usage on the primo and
wait 2wks after my last injection?
Am I gonna see any results at all with 200mg/wk
of primo? Again, I want to put on a MAXIMUM of 10lbs.