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Thread: high blood pressure

  1. #1

    Question high blood pressure

    heys guys been diagnosed w/ hbp. been borderline for a while and while on my last cycle(600 of test enth+300deca a week). now i am on 10 mg of vasotech a day and off the juice. my question is that i was wondering if anyone else deal with this and what kind if any cycles do you run. thinking about doing a test 200 a week cycle for like maybe 16 weeks? maybe a tad of deca. around 200. any help would be appreciated. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Prop, primo and var are the easiest on hbp.

    How high is high? What is your bp medicated and what is it medicated on cycle? You really don't want a huge difference between your on cycle and off cycle bp.

    When I am medicated my bp is actually low (107/68) and when I am on cycle it goes up to 120-130/75-85, which my doctor finds acceptable.

    The gentlest cycle that gives results in prop/var, but you have to inject ed or eod.

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