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Thread: Cutting Cycle

  1. #1

    Cutting Cycle

    I'm just getting over two broken legs. I couldn't walk for a few months and I gained some weight. I wanted to do a cutting cycle to lean out and lose the extra weight. I've been biking a lot and lifting low weight with a high number of reps but it's just not cutting it. Winstrol or Primabolan?

    When I'm done with the cutting cycle I'd like to bulk up a bit too. Then what?

    Thanks for your help guys. I'm new to this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    since u've been off the weights for a while, i won't recommend u a cycle.
    just do it natural

  3. #3
    I agree, you need to build up a good foundation. More importantly if you're not in shape to lift heavy for 4-6 reps max you'll end up hurting urself doing gear you're tendons will tear not being use to the weights and with gear you'll explode in strength comapred to what you are now.

    You're best of staying natural for a year, maybe some Clen to help with fat loss.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by official_style
    I'm just getting over two broken legs. I couldn't walk for a few months and I gained some weight. I wanted to do a cutting cycle to lean out and lose the extra weight. I've been biking a lot and lifting low weight with a high number of reps but it's just not cutting it. Winstrol or Primabolan?

    When I'm done with the cutting cycle I'd like to bulk up a bit too. Then what?

    Thanks for your help guys. I'm new to this.
    no cycle needed, a good diet and some extra cardio will do the trick. besides lifting high reps for cutting: wtf, we re back in the 60`s

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