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Thread: cycles help plase

  1. #1

    cycles help plase

    i am running 50mg ed prop..... for 10 weeks
    im on my 5th week and gain aren't so good so far...

    this week is the start of my winny week, is it okay to bump prop up to 75mg ed??

    will i get better result? more sides????
    or should i be patient and stay at 50

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    the bump up to 75mg aint going to make that much of a difference. You have to look at a number of things, diet/training/rest. Also the legitamacy of your gear. You should be seeing results from 5 weeks of prop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    bump it for sure and if you have cycled previously go to 100mg a day..IMO

    Worst thign that happens is you get sides you dont liek and go back down. its a short ester anyway sides are good rather quickly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hazard County
    doing 350/week is low if you ask me. I would run it at least 75...preferably 100. is this your first cycle or something? why did you go with the low dose? are you stacking it with some other compound (like tren or something). jmo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jesse_james
    the bump up to 75mg aint going to make that much of a difference. You have to look at a number of things, diet/training/rest. Also the legitamacy of your gear. You should be seeing results from 5 weeks of prop.
    I second this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bump to 100 and if you don't see at least a strength increase in a week or two, your gear is likely bogus.

    If your are squared away on diet and training, you should gain on 350mg/week of prop. 350mg prop is probably roughly equivelant to 400mg cyp or E. Bumping up the dose and seeing, finally, some improvement, will tell you that probably your diet is not what it could be. Everyone is different. Some guys grow like crazy on a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Some need at least twice that much. Some need more fat, while some need practically none while on cycle. Following the accepted procedures will put you in the ballpark but some guys need a bit more of this or that to grow. My favorite thing to recommend to someone who apparently is getting sufficient protein and calories but still does not grow muscle well, i.e. can gain weight okay but not muscle, is BCAAs. Sometimes the simple fix is the one that works. But if you bump to 100 and still nothing, I doubt that your gear is what it is supposed to be.

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