Age 22, 6'-4", Weight 235lbs at 9%BF, no water retention.
First cycle a few months ago it ended consisted of test at 500mg/wk and eq at 400mg/week for 12weeks. It went pretty good.
For my second I'm thinking like so...
Test E 1000mg week 1
Test E 500mg week 2-7
Test E 250mg week 8-12 (lower because i'll be doing tren at same time)
EQ 500mg week 1-7
Tren A EOD 75mg week 8-14 (I know this is a little weaker dosage for EOD)
PCT 14-17
I'm also thinking of adding Primo E at 400mg/wk for weeks 7-12 to go along with the test and tren. Or I might do winny for week 8-14 with tren. But most likely primo since I'll be shooting tren EOD and I don't wanna shoot ED.
Also Anyone see any problem if I run Anavar week 1-14 or maybe 1-12? Or would I be too overkill already? Any real benefits adding var?