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  1. #1
    coalkick is offline New Member
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    Workouts on Juice

    Hey guys..looking for some help here. I have two questions...first one concerning training. Is it good/beneficial to train the same muscle groups twice in one day ex before work, then after work? Obviously I get fatigued quicker during my 2nd workout. Any comments?
    The second question concerns the gear I have...I have not yet started taken anything. This is what I have:
    * 30 tabs (50mg per ecah tab) Oxydrol (oxybolone) from British Dragon,
    * 40 tabs (20mg per each tab, 2 boxes) Nolvadex -D (tamoxifen citrate)
    * 30 tabs (20mcg per each tab, 1 box) Spiropent (clenbuterol
    hydrochloride) from Europharma, Spain.
    After reading much here the past week I know I need clomid, what can I do with this, how should I stack it? Than you guys in advance! Oh yeah...I am 31, 5'11'' and 200 lbs. Thanks.

  2. #2
    jmiller3 is offline Junior Member
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    Alright sorry i accidentally deleated my first post listen man u need to do some research. How long u plan on taking everythign not long considering u don't have much gear. Second Anadrol ot oxybolone is very very liver toxic and u will be taking it with clen which is also taken orally. also, u will lose everthing u gained from anadrol right after u stop taking it b/c u r not stacking it with a test that u would take for say 10 - 12 weeks and clen is a cutter so that will not help u keep the gains at all. Do some research and do not start taking any of that yet.

    Is this ur first cycle?

    If so y not take a long ester test for like 10 weeks (ex. cypionate or enanthate )?

  3. #3
    coalkick is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005
    Yes...this is my first....I am trying to learn as much info as possible. I rushed into buyin the gear, THEN started researching and realized that there was much, much more to all this than I had expected. Any other suggestions for a "newbie"

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by coalkick
    Is it good/beneficial to train the same muscle groups twice in one day ex before work, then after work? Obviously I get fatigued quicker during my 2nd workout. Any comments?
    All other questions aside... No, I would not train the same muscle group twice a day - some theories (I have even read some by Charles Poliquin himself) dip into training a bodypart in more than one session per day... but the basic answer to this question is a solid - NO. Give yourself that one opportunity - either you bust your ass and push through some major plateaus... or nothing.

    Training while concurrently taking anabiolic steroids causes an increase recovery ability due to the increase in protein synthesis with the greater workout capacity partly due to the cross-over binding effect that blocks cortisol. So basically, you can leave a session feeling more pumped and better about it - and then expect to supercompensate from the workout faster (gain strength faster). How the supercompensation curve would look while on gear is a dam good question. My opinion is that it peaks sooner and the training effect lasts longer...

  5. #5
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by coalkick
    Hey guys..looking for some help here. I have two questions...first one concerning training. Is it good/beneficial to train the same muscle groups twice in one day ex before work, then after work? Obviously I get fatigued quicker during my 2nd workout. Any comments?
    The second question concerns the gear I have...I have not yet started taken anything. This is what I have:
    * 30 tabs (50mg per ecah tab) Oxydrol (oxybolone) from British Dragon,
    * 40 tabs (20mg per each tab, 2 boxes) Nolvadex -D (tamoxifen citrate)
    * 30 tabs (20mcg per each tab, 1 box) Spiropent (clenbuterol
    hydrochloride) from Europharma, Spain.
    After reading much here the past week I know I need clomid, what can I do with this, how should I stack it? Than you guys in advance! Oh yeah...I am 31, 5'11'' and 200 lbs. Thanks.
    bro, your goin to need more nolva and you should get test and since this is your first cycle id save the A bombs for another time (personally i wouldnt use it because it is harsh on the liver). so if u ran only test run it at 400-500mg ew for 10-12 weeks. as for your training question hit the muscle once and hit it hard (but dont overtrain) usually when im on i'll add in one extra isolation exercise. hope i helped

  6. #6
    coalkick is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005
    Thanks guys....

  7. #7
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    yes 1st cycle should be some form of test mate,do some research before you go ahead n aquire anythin.
    500mg test e 10-12 weeks split into 2 shots
    get some nolvadex just in case you get any sighns of gyno,sort out your pct before you start your cycle and begin that 14 days after last shot of test.

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