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Thread: How much hcg???

  1. #1

    How much hcg???

    ive have finished my cycle of around 450mg of enthate and am going to begin to use hcg (pregnyl 5000 i.u). Ive bought one pack containing three snap viles. When i mix the solvent with the hcg do i use the the entire mixture in one shot. How many days between shots? Thanks for your help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by marko123
    ive have finished my cycle of around 450mg of enthate and am going to begin to use hcg (pregnyl 5000 i.u). Ive bought one pack containing three snap viles. When i mix the solvent with the hcg do i use the the entire mixture in one shot. How many days between shots? Thanks for your help guys.

    is it 5000iu per vial or 5000iu total?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    East Coast
    Since you have already finished your cycle , i would run the HCG for 2 weeks with nolvadex , id run the HCG at 500 ius every 2-3 days . when you mix the 5000 iu amp with the water the total will be 5000 ius , on the syringe it has 10 marks that lead up to the 1ml mark , each mark equals 500ius of HCG . After you get through running the HCG and nolvadex , start a normal PCT with nolvadex/clomid/tribulus until you feel that youve recovered , also it wouldnt hurt to run the nolvadex a extra week after you stop the clomid . Your cycle seem sort of light so unless you notice alot of atrophy then clomid/nolvadex/tribulus would probably be fine .

  4. #4

    how much hcg

    i cant get my hands on any clomid and novaldex, so im going to have to run the hcg by itself. Is that ok. And you said "when you get through the hcg...." do you mean all three viles all just one. my major concerns is getting my training back to normal and stop losing my hair. thanks mitch

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great white north
    Quote Originally Posted by marko123
    i cant get my hands on any clomid and novaldex, so im going to have to run the hcg by itself. Is that ok. And you said "when you get through the hcg...." do you mean all three viles all just one. my major concerns is getting my training back to normal and stop losing my hair. thanks mitch
    Stop losing your hair? Hcg does nothing for that. How long was your cycle?
    You should run the hcg w/nolva. Click on the banner at the top of the page to get tamox and clomi. You should of started the hcg during the last wk of your cycle and ran it up till one wk before pct. Your cycle doesn't seem to out of controll, unless it was like 20 wks long. You should just do your regular pct with nolva and clomid.

  6. #6
    it was only 12 weeks. its hard to get clomid and nolva in australia. and im not sure if you order into australia it will passed by customs.
    Last edited by marko123; 08-12-2005 at 05:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great white north
    Quote Originally Posted by marko123
    it was only 12 weeks. its hard to get clomid and nolva in australia. and im not sure if you order into australia it will passed by customs.

    Thats something you'd have to ask lion about in the Q&C of AR products.

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