Time to get back to the grind. I have been out of the grind for approximately 5 yrs. I have slacked off on the supps and new products and my health but I am back and there is a whole lot of new positive input out there. I am looking to catch up on knowledge that I have missed and info that I have forgotten over time. If anyone Has Ideas some personal experiences, different cycles , Training scheduals and diets, I would much appreciate it. .Today at 35yrs old I feel like a pencil and a weekling I am 160-165lbs 13% body fat. I feel as if I have lost so much time but My old training partner at 45 yrs old always says its never to late to feel good again. I finaly put myself mentaly and physically back in the game and its time to rock and roll!!! I have kept somewhat physical but have been working out regularly for 9 wks persistantly. I have my routines that were always positive but time changes all and has improved training as well as Stack thats have become more efficiant. If anyone would like to share their input and knowledge on Training diet, stack Just general overal experiences that would be of great help to get me back in the groove.
My last stack was outrageouse and I was saturating my system, I have grown in wisdome since then and I have got my head where it needs to be to get the gains I should and keep them.
Here Is My Last routine. It was a bit of stupidity, I was blinded by more is better. I regret it except for the knowledge I had gained through trial and error
WK 1-4= 1 abomb daily for 4 wks , 750mg sost spread out wkly for 4 wks Always useing my nolvadex for protection
WK 5-6= 600mg decca along with 750mg of sost.
Wk 7-8= 500mg sost 600mg decca spread out wkly.
WK 9= 25,00 iu hcg With 50 mg clomid
WK 10= 15,00 iu hcg With 25 mg clomid
WK 11 & 12= 400mg T-enatate and 200mg Decca.
WK 13 & 14 100 mg equipoise daily, 1 amp of parabolin every 3 days for 2 wks.
WK 15= Parabolin 3 amps wkly with a 5mg d-bol taper starting at 50 mg and nolvadex.
WK 16= 5,000 iu hcg and clomid.
wk 18= clomid & Nolvadex.
WK 19 & 20 Nolvadex
I had been cycling for two yrs stupid but I thought more was better. WRONG! If I was smarter I probably would have gear today still from then.
My diet was 4500-5500 calories daily 2.5 - 3.0mg protien per lb of body weight,alot of sleep. My work out partner is in competitions constantly. So I had alot of varying routines that made the workouts very effective. We had an 8 day workout schedual. Always doing Large muscle groups everyother day and the Small muscle groups and long and short muscle insertion training on opposing days. Always giving 72hrs in-between actively working a body part that was trained to allow sufficient re-construction of the muscle. My starting weight prior to this cycle was 168lbs 9% body fat and went up to 207lbs at 11% body fat and leaned down to 194lbs at 7% body fat. I am 5'7" and was 30 at this time.
I thank anyone for their advice Ideas and or criticism on my past training. Peace Tinnman