08-14-2005, 03:59 PM #1
Returning BB needs advice getting lean !!
I was a competing BB 3 years ago, my life was turned upside by several tragedies within a year. I stopped working out and gained about 70 lbs of unwanted FAT !! I have been back to the gym now and have my routine, I spoke with Keith at Oasis and he suggest a 12 week cycle with test cyp, and winny, he says this will help me drop the fat lbs and gain muscle. My question is will the test prevent me from losing the weight ? I was always told never to take test until you were in a leaner state. Just curious if any one could help, looking forward to the forum !!
08-14-2005, 04:27 PM #2
Congrats bout returning back to the Iron
IMO you should not use AAS rite now , first check out the diet forum specifically the cutting sticky...and create ur own diet and post it for critique
If i were you and had the money for oasis , Id contact SwoleCat
08-14-2005, 08:35 PM #3
Thx I appreciate the advice. I was actually thinking of doing a cycle of T-3 and lots of cardio
It really sucks having to start over
but back on track
08-14-2005, 11:50 PM #4
Yeah... I don't know if you've been working out for a while since getting back on track, but if you have 70 pounds you want to shed, best be just hitting the gym - cardio 3 times a week and keep your diet clean. When you have that much to lose just be active and get to the gym, it will start to fall off. Once you've lost most of that, then hit up a cutting cycle if you're still looking to lose the fat. Possibly Test Prop, Var, Clen , T3... Would melt it off of you.
Anyhow, good luck to you bro and its good to see you're getting back on track.
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