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I do have SOME knowledge of the hormones and their effects, the main question i was asking is if Pct is administered properly is the main reason deca only cycles are so frowned on is because of deca dick. If pct is administered correctly, then you will keep gains. Will you get deca dick? Maybe, maybe not. Which if you did some reading you would have seen me say didnt effect me last time i took this specific hormone so i think it shouldnt be diffrent now. I read it just fine, and if you read my post correctly, I said that I had run the same cycle w/ no deca dick. The reason i want to take a deca only cycle is because ive taken test cycles stacked with other stuff but i think the most quality non water retention quality muscle building cycle i took was deca only. Water retention will occur with deca as well. Not as pronounced as with test, but how do you think deca eliminates pain in joints? Through positive nitrogen balance/ water in the joints. and no it wasnt my first cycle. I was just asking if their was some other major downside that i wasnt aware of. The downside is that you can eventually get deca dick