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Thread: Deca Only Cycle

  1. #1
    SpringsBridge7 Guest

    Deca Only Cycle

    First off I would say I know alot about juice. Ive taken a few cycles that included test, dec, eq, winny not all in the same cycle of course but those are the ones ive used. Now, i just started a deca only cycle, im planning on it being 300mg per week for 10 or 11 weeks just so i can bulk up. Now ive taken a deca only 300mg a week cycle for about 8 weeks before and I gained about 20lbs of muscle and in fact it made me kinda cut. Now ive been searching and reading about people saying that deca only has bad effects and not to do it. The only sides i had before with only deca was i was extra horny and my dick was crazy hard and raging heart attack sex. Sorry for the details but I was reading people saying it was chemical castration. Also I remember losing weight after i got off but i didnt do proper pct which i plan on doing now. Any other problems im not aware of?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    First off I would say I know alot about juice. Ive taken a few cycles that included test, dec, eq, winny not all in the same cycle of course but those are the ones ive used. Now, i just started a deca only cycle, im planning on it being 300mg per week for 10 or 11 weeks just so i can bulk up. Now ive taken a deca only 300mg a week cycle for about 8 weeks before and I gained about 20lbs of muscle and in fact it made me kinda cut. Now ive been searching and reading about people saying that deca only has bad effects and not to do it. The only sides i had before with only deca was i was extra horny and my dick was crazy hard and raging heart attack sex. Sorry for the details but I was reading people saying it was chemical castration. Also I remember losing weight after i got off but i didnt do proper pct which i plan on doing now. Any other problems im not aware of?
    prepare to be flamed bro, but ive also done tha same thing (when i wasnt educated) u dont want to do this b/c u will most likely get what they call "deca dick" u wont be able to get it up, maybe ur deca wasnt deca but i really dont see how u were horny as hell w/o a sex drive, u need test in ur cycle if u dont wanna be shut down for 2.5 months during cycle and most likely for some time after ur finished

  3. #3
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Well, I was taking qv deca 300mg thats all and i had queit the sex drive in fact I think it was alot stronger then it usually is. I know it shuts down test while your on it but i figured the hormones in the deca are whats in my system while natural test is shutdown then after pct natural test should be back. Is this the only real concern with deca only "deca dick". Or will i lose all i gained after even with proper pct.
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 08-14-2005 at 07:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    crashing my boat
    As nuts as it sounds I actually did a deca only awhile back and had zero problems with the sex drive. I would throw some type of test in the mix though.

  5. #5
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    yeah im thinking about it, but truthfully i dont want to have to worry about bitch tits and all that. Or is that a concern with deca by itself. Ive always read its not because its not test.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Deca gives you bitch tits too, just a different, but equally fun variety. You get it from progesterone with deca. Also, to combat this type of deca you will need vit b-6, bromo, or dostinex. Nolva and the like will NOT work.
    Last edited by Blitz777; 08-14-2005 at 07:25 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    crashing my boat
    Have you thought of doing a Test Only cycle and dropping the deca? thats what most people do, not the flip side. I had a buddy do a Deca only and he was Fking his woman three to four times a day? I cant explain it, but some people never have problems on a Deca only cycle? Everyone on this board will tell you not to do a deca only cycle I can guarantee you that.

  8. #8
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Yeah I know they will, I know its the educated thing to do but when i wasnt familiar with steroids a friend hooked me up and i took deca only cycle and i was banging my girl all the time, i think better then i do now,lol. But anyway i think i got better gains off the deca only cycle then test because its less water retention and more quality muscle. Also

    [QUOTE=Blitz777]Deca gives you bitch tits too, just a different, but equally fun variety. You get it from progesterone with deca. Also, to combat this type of deca you will need vit b-6, bromo, or dostinex. Nolva and the like will NOT work.[/QUOTE=Blitz777]

    Are these bitch tits common? Do they stick around after cycle like test tits? Also what are the dosages for vitamin b-6 and is this vitamin as effective as nolva would be for test tits?
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 08-14-2005 at 07:39 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    First off I would say I know alot about juice. Ive taken a few cycles that included test, dec, eq, winny not all in the same cycle of course but those are the ones ive used. Now, i just started a deca only cycle, im planning on it being 300mg per week for 10 or 11 weeks just so i can bulk up. Now ive taken a deca only 300mg a week cycle for about 8 weeks before and I gained about 20lbs of muscle and in fact it made me kinda cut. Now ive been searching and reading about people saying that deca only has bad effects and not to do it. The only sides i had before with only deca was i was extra horny and my dick was crazy hard and raging heart attack sex. Sorry for the details but I was reading people saying it was chemical castration. Also I remember losing weight after i got off but i didnt do proper pct which i plan on doing now. Any other problems im not aware of?

    You've said that you have a couple cycles under your belt and you know how your body reacts, so I can't exactly tell you whats good for you though I wouldn't recommend deca only.

    Oddly enough, as much as we hear the term "deca dick" being thrown around, in physicians desk references Nandrolone decanoate has been said and used to increase libido. Just a thought.

  10. #10
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Yeah thats what i have read about on other sites the increasing libido's. But why wouldnt you recommend deca only? I have been reading my ass off on this and other sites and the only real problems i can see people having with deca only are 1) Deca Dick. 2) A waste if not used with test because of better gains with test. 3) Deca Gyno, which at 300mg a week ive read it has a very very low possibility of occuring.
    Are these the only reason's or am I missing something, im not trying to debate here people talk about only using deca like its a terrible thing to do. Why Is That? Anyone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    everyones different.. maybe deca jives with you brother!! If it was me, and it worked the first time, I wouldnt hesitate to try it again just to see.....JMO

  12. #12
    ya because test is the hormone your body naturally produces...not nandrolone. Both will shut you down but at least if you are taking test you will have a synthetic version of what your body makes naturally. Deca will shut you down and you wont have any test in your body at all. Test is what makes men, men. Pct will be a slower process. The longer it takes for you to get you nat. test back the more you lose post cycle and the shittier you will feel. Test is cheap as hell just get some and at least run it the same as the deca...though i recommend you run it higher than deca

  13. #13
    Deca only was good with me. I had hell of gains but then lost some because of improper pct.

  14. #14
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    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    Yeah thats what i have read about on other sites the increasing libido's. But why wouldnt you recommend deca only? I have been reading my ass off on this and other sites and the only real problems i can see people having with deca only are 1) Deca Dick. 2) A waste if not used with test because of better gains with test. 3) Deca Gyno, which at 300mg a week ive read it has a very very low possibility of occuring.
    Are these the only reason's or am I missing something, im not trying to debate here people talk about only using deca like its a terrible thing to do. Why Is That? Anyone.

    You don't want the deca to completely shut you down while on, so run at least a low dose of test, like 200mg wk. Also, there is the p-gyno which nolva won't help much to solve. Even though its a low occurance, I like to run winny with my deca(for more than one reason) but also to protect me from progesterone related gyno. If you don't run winny, which it seems you won't, keep your vitamin b6 high.

  15. #15
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Well I think i may run a low dosage of test e with the deca,I have some tamox so i should be ok with that but is b-6 a good combatent for deca gyno also at what dosage?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    all this talk about what it will do... it depends on you. i have a close friend who does deca only, 600 a week, and loves it, no sexual sides, no gyno, no PCT and no crash. thats his luck.

  17. #17
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    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    Well I think i may run a low dosage of test e with the deca,I have some tamox so i should be ok with that but is b-6 a good combatent for deca gyno also at what dosage?
    You can't be sure of how good the b-6 will be as a hedging measure, but i think around 150-200mgs is good.

    I think your decision to run low test-e will be most helpfull though. Good luck with this cycle, I think you will be pleased.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    yeah im thinking about it, but truthfully i dont want to have to worry about bitch tits and all that. Or is that a concern with deca by itself. Ive always read its not because its not test.
    "worry about bitch tits" ....i couldve swore you said you were educated on juice in your very first post.

  19. #19
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    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    "worry about bitch tits" ....i couldve swore you said you were educated on juice in your very first post.

    This is also a good point.

    Springs, not to flame but are you sure you have a decent cycle history and not just saying that becuase you don't want people to treat you like a newbie and give you advice that you might not want to hear? You don't have to answer that question, but just know that people are trying to give you the best info they can in the situation that you present to them. Everyone wants to help, but depending on what you have done and when you started, advice will vary greatly.

    A statement like " I don't want to have to worry about bitch tits, or is that only a concern with test" makes me, and others think that you're not as educated as you think. Again, we don't want to put you down, just better help you with the info that you have provided us.

  20. #20
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    I said
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    yeah im thinking about it, but truthfully i dont want to have to worry about bitch tits and all that. Or is that a concern with deca by itself. Ive always read its not because its not test.

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    "worry about bitch tits" ....i couldve swore you said you were educated on juice in your very first post.

    I meant i didnt want to worry about drinking my nasty ass nolva all the time,i know how to combat estrogen. I was saying i wasnt sure their was even a risk of gyno from deca because ive heard their is a very low chance and it didnt happen last time. I know you guys are helping and i understand what level of help i would need by my experience,which my experience is exactly what I explained before.Including days and days of reading. My main issue was why deca was so bad to take alone. I figured it shut down test but I thought the ingredient in deca that makes me gain weight and increases my sex drive would replace the test. Then after my cycle my pct would fix my natural test.
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 08-14-2005 at 09:52 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    i have a close friend who does deca only, 600 a week, and loves it, no sexual sides, no gyno, no PCT and no crash. thats his luck.
    that would be wicked....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    depending on your goals, and what your willin to give up... i dont see a prob really with a deca only cycle... long as you pct.. and your dose is low enough to be safe and high enough to be effective.. alot of ppl here, with 3 cycles under their belt will say your a retard... and i am for saying its ok.. but long as you pct.. and what your drive, is worth what your gaining... then go for it.. make sure you know what will happen on a deca only cycle tho.. so your not surprised when the wee man wont wake up

  23. #23
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    all this talk about what it will do... it depends on you. i have a close friend who does deca only, 600 a week, and loves it, no sexual sides, no gyno, no PCT and no crash. thats his luck.
    Yeah that would be Great.

    Anyway DecaDball since i dont lose sex drive,actually for me it increases i should be good. But will using pheendo's pct be sufficient or should i use a more intense one because of only using deca?
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 08-14-2005 at 11:06 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    First off I would say I know alot about juice. do proper pct which i plan on doing now. Any other problems im not aware of?
    If you did have extensive knowledge of aas administration and the different effects of different hormones you would not do a deca only cycle. Why would you take the risk if you did?
    Honestly, a number of years ago I did a number of deca only cycles, and dbol/deca cycles, and I never had a problem w my WANG. I have known about clomid for quite some time, so the pct allowed me to keep most of the gains (along w crazy non stop training and nutrition). However, I once had a problem using winny, and that one time was not fun at all.
    Springs, do what you wish, but I'd rather take the "for sure road" w some good old test and spare your wang.....just in case.....
    Do with this what you will

  25. #25
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    I do have SOME knowledge of the hormones and their effects, the main question i was asking is if Pct is administered properly is the main reason deca only cycles are so frowned on is because of deca dick. Which if you did some reading you would have seen me say didnt effect me last time i took this specific hormone so i think it shouldnt be diffrent now. The reason i want to take a deca only cycle is because ive taken test cycles stacked with other stuff but i think the most quality non water retention quality muscle building cycle i took was deca only. and no it wasnt my first cycle. I was just asking if their was some other major downside that i wasnt aware of.

  26. #26
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    In red....
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    I do have SOME knowledge of the hormones and their effects, the main question i was asking is if Pct is administered properly is the main reason deca only cycles are so frowned on is because of deca dick. If pct is administered correctly, then you will keep gains. Will you get deca dick? Maybe, maybe not. Which if you did some reading you would have seen me say didnt effect me last time i took this specific hormone so i think it shouldnt be diffrent now. I read it just fine, and if you read my post correctly, I said that I had run the same cycle w/ no deca dick. The reason i want to take a deca only cycle is because ive taken test cycles stacked with other stuff but i think the most quality non water retention quality muscle building cycle i took was deca only. Water retention will occur with deca as well. Not as pronounced as with test, but how do you think deca eliminates pain in joints? Through positive nitrogen balance/ water in the joints. and no it wasnt my first cycle. I was just asking if their was some other major downside that i wasnt aware of. The downside is that you can eventually get deca dick

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    Again, Many people have done deca only cycles and never have all these problems That the So Called " experts " say you will have with progesterone related Deca dick etc? Myself one of the best cycles I have ever done was a Deca only cycle. Now I run test with everything, but I may go Deca alone on the future as My bros do now. Try it and find out. I dont care what anyone says, everyone reacts diff.

  28. #28
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Thanks guy's for the feedback. im probably going to stick to just deca but i can get some test cyp and im thinking maybe im gonna run it with the deca at a low dosage just to be safe. Ive never used cyp, i heard its similar to test E. Is this true or should i go with a diffrent test?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Cyp and test e are very similar. Good choice to include some test, Springs.
    You can run it at a low dose, but I would keep it at 100 mg over the deca. So, if your taking 300mg deca, take 400mg of cyp.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    Yea Cyp, prop , E all would work for you. Prop with the short ester will jump your cycle since Deca is a long ester and takes awhile to boot.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Springs, check out my lil experiment


  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by rager
    Again, Many people have done deca only cycles and never have all these problems That the So Called " experts " say you will have with progesterone related Deca dick etc? Myself one of the best cycles I have ever done was a Deca only cycle. Now I run test with everything, but I may go Deca alone on the future as My bros do now. Try it and find out. I dont care what anyone says, everyone reacts diff.
    Finally, someone who can think independently. Thanks bro!

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    True. If you are worried about bitch tits staking with test is not the answer. If you are going to do Deca only just accept the fact that you probably will get deca dick, which sucks but its nothing to jeopardize your health. Make sure you have some PCT to get the boyz going tho.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    there's more to it than just deca dick, your body needs testosterone to function efficiently. It affects your mood, sense of well being, energy, etc. Its what makes a man a man. Since you wont be taking test with it, you will get shut down quite quickly and have no test in your body so you are putting yourself at a higher risk of problems. Maybe youre one of those people that works well with deca alone, but when was the last time you ran deca alone? Your body can change with time and there's no guarantee that you wont experience some type of side effects this time, but hey its your body do what you want with it. We're just trying to give you the best advice possible, but you dont have to listen to it.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    So many people on this board do Deca alone and have zero problems with sides. NO ONE WILL ADMIT IT BECAUSE OF THE FEAR OF BEING FLAMED. If thats what you want ( deca only ) go for it.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    la la land
    i say no way would i do deca only..i dont even include deca in my cycles peroid anymore..i cant handle the sides..i like my dick working properly


  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    crashing my boat
    I have a buddy that doesn't like Deca period also. My fav personally

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