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Thread: nolvadex

  1. #1
    silverice is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    New Mexico


    K im not going to lie
    Im going on this stack my first stack
    week1-10 500mg test enth e/week
    week1-10 400mg deca e/week
    week1-4 35mg Dbol ed
    week9-11 clomid 50,100,50mg ed

    gut im not exactaly cut i have 29% bf
    but im going to cut later heres the only thing i was reading about test enth and Dbol and it was taking about fat deposit and all that shit
    but cant i take T3 at the same time
    and what about nolvadex should i get some of that stuff incase of anything happening and if so how do i take nolvadex

    and how do i take T3 with the other stack
    i dont want to get fatter than I am

    any answers would help a lot thanks so much guys

  2. #2
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    First off, take a little more time writing a psot that's readable Bro'. It's hard to make sense of what you wrote there. (Read the fine print below.)

    Do a search on Clomid and Nolvadex if you want the answers.

    You are 19. Wait a couple of years before you take AS. Your body's producing a lot of testosterone for free; take advantage of that.

    Finally, take some time and learn about AS before you jump in. Stick around here; read & learn.

    That all said, welcome!

  3. #3
    Uconish is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yeah bro take some time and do some research Dont just rush into this cause your going to regret it later And i would try to drop my BF a few points before i started AS especially with that cycle cause your going to get pretty bloated

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