got bump gear from a last source. my last cyc. was deca/test cyp./dbol. the dbol was legit cause i blew up, but my test/deca wasn't to good. anyways being that my diet is in check i want to start up a nice short 8week or 10 of just SUSTANON (wks1-10) & DBOL (wks 1-4) FOR A MASS CYCLE. i want to try SUSTANON CAUSE I LIKE THE IDEA OF THE 4 TESTS. IN IT. & i found a diff. source. my question is: STATS: 160LB 5'5" 27YRS OLD, good toned base.
1. how many mg of sust. per week for me
2. how often do i inject (once/wk, twice/wk)
3. how many weeks in ur opinion.
please dont knock me, im really curious about sustanon