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  1. #1


    got bump gear from a last source. my last cyc. was deca/test cyp./dbol. the dbol was legit cause i blew up, but my test/deca wasn't to good. anyways being that my diet is in check i want to start up a nice short 8week or 10 of just SUSTANON (wks1-10) & DBOL (wks 1-4) FOR A MASS CYCLE. i want to try SUSTANON CAUSE I LIKE THE IDEA OF THE 4 TESTS. IN IT. & i found a diff. source. my question is: STATS: 160LB 5'5" 27YRS OLD, good toned base.

    1. how many mg of sust. per week for me

    2. how often do i inject (once/wk, twice/wk)

    3. how many weeks in ur opinion.

    please dont knock me, im really curious about sustanon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    1. how many mg of sust. per week for me
    500mg week will work just fine

    2. how often do i inject (once/wk, twice/wk)
    you should shoot ed/eod if you wont to get the most out of the prop ester.

    3. how many weeks in ur opinion.
    i would run it for 12 week on the test and 1-4 d-bol.

  3. #3
    THANKS! SO if i do 500mgs per week, how do i break the shots down every other day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    mon wed fri sun tus thur sat mon wed fri. you get the point.

    You need to draw up 150mg out of each amp. The left over draw into another syringe and save it till you open your next amp. Or just to make it easy just do .5cc eod this will be 612mg week.

  5. #5
    its a little confusing, can i just shoot twice a week or explain to me a little bit more, please

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Bobby do u have sust in little amps at 250mg/per amp?

    If so draw the whole thing into a syringe and shoot half of it on Monday and then replace the old needle with a new needle and shoot the second half on Wednsday and repeat on a EOD cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You want to shoot atleast EOD to utilize the Prop. If u don't shoot EOD u will not utilize the prop and you will just be wasting one of the three test in sust meaning u mine as well just do a long ester test by itself and not sust

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jmiller3
    Bobby do u have sust in little amps at 250mg/per amp?

    If so draw the whole thing into a syringe and shoot half of it on Monday and then replace the old needle with a new needle and shoot the second half on Wednsday and repeat on a EOD cycle

    Thats what i figured i should do, thanks that sums it up. of course i should have some nolva on hand & clomid at the end for pct. any other suggetions. this cycle i thought would be good just so i can mass up a little & eat the shit out of my body for the winter. any other suggestions guys.


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