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Thread: Prop and Winny? Nervous

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Wilmington, NC

    Prop and Winny? Nervous

    My last cycle was one of the dumbest things iver ever done! I took some wrong advice and ran Deca, EQ and tren without any test! Not only did i lose my sex drive i couldnt get a good hard on for like 3 months! Its been december since that cycle and have and test prop and winny cycle ready to take. My problem is im so damn scared to do it now becuase of what happened last time. Now that my natural test is back do you guys think i should be ok with this cylce with proper pct? This is my 5th cycle and have never hard any problems prior to that last cycle. Im doing this one very light at 250 mg's test prop eod and 50mg's winny eod. Should i be ok with this cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    An apartment
    250mg prop eod is not light. As for the Winny, run it every day at the end of your cycle, not eod, due to the half-life. Your test production will get shut down, but it will be OK because you will have so much test in your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yeah, more like 100 to 150mg eod for the prop if you want it light. At 250mg eod, you will be running 750mg test on the odd weeks, and 1000mg of test on the even weeks, assuming you already did that math, that is not light at all. Sprinter had a good call with the winny only at the end. Good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Wilmington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftgod84
    Yeah, more like 100 to 150mg eod for the prop if you want it light. At 250mg eod, you will be running 750mg test on the odd weeks, and 1000mg of test on the even weeks, assuming you already did that math, that is not light at all. Sprinter had a good call with the winny only at the end. Good luck bro.
    Im sorry guys i wrote that wrong, just like you recomended i will only be taking 250mgs a week not 750 a week. I guess all these horror stories i hear of people not getting their natural test levels back is what is sticking in the back of my mind throwing me off!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Wilmington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by sizematters2175
    Im sorry guys i wrote that wrong, just like you recomended i will only be taking 250mgs a week not 750 a week. I guess all these horror stories i hear of people not getting their natural test levels back is what is sticking in the back of my mind throwing me off!
    Anybody? Just curious if you guys think this would be a hard cycle to bounce back from?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Np it wouldnt be a hard cycle, you would be better of going 100mg/ed with the prop tho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    u can get away with prop at 75mg/ED and make sure u shoot the winny at 50mg/ED

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sizematters2175
    Anybody? Just curious if you guys think this would be a hard cycle to bounce back from?
    I believe all cycles are easy to bounce back from so long as you have a few things in order...
    -If it's a heavy cycle or a long moderate cycyle I would consider the use of HCG to aid in recovery along with the traditional clomid, nolva, ldex.
    -Proper PCT is critical. Check out Pheendo's PCT protocol in the PCT forum, it's very informative.
    -Know your compounds. If you are using a nandrolone or a derivative like tren, you should be taking something to help control prolactin buildup. B6 or dostinex would do the trick.
    -Lastly but most important GET YOUR BLOOD WORK DONE. Ideally I feel it should be done before and after the cycle. This way you get back to normal quicker and you will also know a bit better what's going on in your body.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Wilmington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    I believe all cycles are easy to bounce back from so long as you have a few things in order...
    -If it's a heavy cycle or a long moderate cycyle I would consider the use of HCG to aid in recovery along with the traditional clomid, nolva, ldex.
    -Proper PCT is critical. Check out Pheendo's PCT protocol in the PCT forum, it's very informative.
    -Know your compounds. If you are using a nandrolone or a derivative like tren, you should be taking something to help control prolactin buildup. B6 or dostinex would do the trick.
    -Lastly but most important GET YOUR BLOOD WORK DONE. Ideally I feel it should be done before and after the cycle. This way you get back to normal quicker and you will also know a bit better what's going on in your body.
    Thanks for the info. i think im just nervous after reading some of these threads were people are giving testimonials of their natural test never returning! And after that last bad cycle (see original thread) its still scares me!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    An apartment
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    u can get away with prop at 75mg/ED and make sure u shoot the winny at 50mg/ED
    I concur. Just make sure the winny is run at the end of the cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Wilmington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by SprinterOne
    I concur. Just make sure the winny is run at the end of the cycle.
    Whats the difference in me running the prop at 50mg ed than me doing it 100mg eod? And why run the winny at the end as apposed to the beginning?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sizematters2175
    Whats the difference in me running the prop at 50mg ed than me doing it 100mg eod? And why run the winny at the end as apposed to the beginning?
    Less sides with ed shots. IMHO, 50mg ed or 100mg eod isin't enough test. Run 75mg ed or 150mg eod. EOD shots are cool if you don't mind a few more sides and if they are easier for you to manage then ed shots. Some folks don't like poking themselves ed. I can't get enough of it though.

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