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Well, I think that does it for me and gear. Here's a quote from that thread:
Posts: 19 codexp03 is a member in good standing
My test levels before I did my first cycle: 1120 NG/ML Four years after my last cycle 395 NG/ML and I'm only 26 years old! Play w/ fire all you want, but I did everything correctly and my test levels are now shot for life. I took doctor perscribed HCG and Clomid/Nolva after every cycle. I went to the doc one month ago to see if there were any long-term effects of my gear days 8 cycles which ranged from 200mg test x 8 weeks in my first cycle to 6x that in my last. What did I get? 3k in gyno surgery and a lifetime dependency on test.
I just got my results back yesterday. I'm not sure just yet. I thought about waiting 6 months and then having another test after upping my Zinc and taking HCG to try to jump start my own natural production. If that doesn't work, I'm going to take 200mg of Testosterone Enanthate every week until I keel over. I'm pissed about the whole situation I had high levels in the first place, but I just had to do a couple shows. After my breif career I'm low Test and I've given it pleanty of time, 4 years now. I did everything right, I worked for World's Gym, my cycle designer was a professional bodybuilder, and I saw a doctor before, after, and during my cycles. I had to quit after damaging two discs in my back and decided to stop using 4 years ago, I'm going to regret using gear for sometime now.