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Thread: Skin Chaffing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Skin Chaffing

    I have recently put on a lot of weight and when I walk, the skin on my armpit/lat area has been rubbing on my inner tricep. The skin on my armpit basically peeled of this morning after I got out of the shower. It looked like someone used a carrot peeler to take the top layer of skin off.

    It is not fat so dont sarcastically suggest to get my fat ass in shape

    What has anyone used/done that has had this happen to them.

    Someone suggested shaving my armpits to reduce the friction.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    North carolina
    you will get use to it and wont notice it once your skin toughens up a bit. i have the same problem and also with my thighs. after i do shrugs my ears also get chaffed by my massive traps till the pump goes away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ottawa, canadian monkey
    Quote Originally Posted by lil mikey
    after i do shrugs my ears also get chaffed by my massive traps till the pump goes away.
    BWAAAAA i busted out laughing so hard
    just put vasoline all over your body all the time
    but i have that happen only on thighs, so not a big deal

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