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Thread: Is This Too Little?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Is This Too Little?

    Ok this is going to be my very first cycle and I was thinking of EQ/TEST ENANTHATE/WINNY and possibly some dbol to start it off.

    Now my question is, would 200 EQ and 250 TEST be too low?
    My goals are to gain roughly 15-20 pounds solid muscle, no water.

    Should I double up the dosage or should i be fine?

    I don't want to become some huge mass monster, just want to get nice and solid and hard.

    And I'm 21 if that makes any dif, by the way running both 10 weeks and winny at 50grams.

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Big Rush is doing a similar cycle except the EQ is doubled. You might want to ask him how it's going. You might also want to consider Fina instead of Test too as test can give some bloating and Fina won't. Fina is legal until made into juice but making it into the juice and injecting it every day can be a pain. Almost every one on Fina will tell you it's worth it though: cheap, easy to get, and very potent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    That is pretty low bro, think about this cycle. It is pretty popular. You won't blow up into megaman overnight (I wish it was possible!).

    wk 1-10 eq 400 mg/wk
    wk 1-10 test en 500 mg/wk
    wk 1-4 dbol 20-35 mg/ed (optional)
    *dbol to jump start, but will prob have some h20 retention
    wk 7-11 winny 50mg/eod or even ed

    have nolvadex and clomid before starting

    depending on what brand of gear you get, you could easily lower these doses just a little also. I am doing something very similar to this one but I am using deca instead of eq and doing 400 mg test en per week and 300 mg deca along with 30mg dbol ed.

    you could break the test/eq shots into 2x a week (mixing them).

    Hope this helps. I bet some of the more experienced bros on here will be sharing some advice also.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Thanks for all the advice so far.

    Stats (I'm a small guy) 5'9" 160-165 lbs 21 years old. Body fat, I think below 10%
    My pics are in the members pic section.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You''ll grow off that cycle no problem. It's your first time you can get away with about half the dosages of a seasoned user. 10-15lbs no problem. Make sure to use clomid of course.

    I put on 21lbs my first cycle which was 25mg russian dbol per day for 40 days. 11lbs in the first week. Just eat like a mofo and get at least 300grams of protein per day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    by the name of your thread, I figured it was another picture of Diesel's thing that seems to be to small.

    j/k bro!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Bump for more replies.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    if this is your first cycle you will grow off that bro..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hey Bro,

    Here's another tread that might help with your decision.

    If you wanted to up it a little you can do 200mg Eq, 250mg Test Enan every 4 or 5 days. JMO


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Well im in a similar situation:

    5'7, 180lbs 25 yo

    Im gonna ditch the D-bol and Winny , simply cuz I dont wanna take too much stuff my 1st cycle and tax my body, and from what ive heard.. should grow like a weed regaurdless of what I take.

    im gonna go with

    400mg Test
    400mg EQ

    for 10 weeks, i may run the eq longer to 12 weeks for the muscle hardening properties it has, I think it will help solidify and keep the gains ive made, depending on how I feel at the end of week 10.

    Since this is my first cycle im getting ready for and I don't know to expect, i've decided is keep arimidex on hand, and if i notice more water retention than I can deal with im gonna start popping .25 mg a day until I stop and not worry about using the nolva. If I can deal with the water then im gonna have nolva too just incase i feel E - related symptoms coming on...

    Then start clomid therapy 3 weeks after the last shot I take I should be golden.
    Last edited by A_Nice; 04-30-2002 at 10:02 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by YoUnG1
    Thanks for all the advice so far.

    Stats (I'm a small guy) 5'9" 160-165 lbs 21 years old. Body fat, I think below 10%
    My pics are in the members pic section.

    definitely stick with the original cycle you planned on... You will grow on that, I guaranttee you will... And then with each successive cycle you can up the dose slightly and continue growing...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Im 21 5'10 168 so i have a simialr cycle and frame as you
    Im doing
    weeks 1-10 test cyp 250mgs
    weeks 1-10 eq 500mgs
    weeks 7-13 winnie 50mgs ed tabs
    clomid post cycle
    i was going to do test cyp 500mgs but im gonna grow regardless
    and i dont want t odo too much i was also thinking of adding dbols to kik start the cycle but again i dont want to do too much stuff my first time around. I heard your body pumps out 200mgs of testerone a week i might be wrong but if thats true that almosts gets me to 500mgs lol But in all honestly i was just going to do a eq/win cycle and i heard to put test in there as a foundation and i did just a lil bit of it so i guess i look at the 250mgs i put in as a bonus to the proginal cycle i wanted to do. As for putting on size dude eat like an animal, im gonan grow regardless since its my firct cycle if i eat like i ant to gain 20 pounds i will and i have a good routine and ill make sure to rest i think if u do those few thigns ull be fine. Also dont be so concerend about 20 pounds some of that weight could be fat water weight be more concerend with the fact u look better and feel good about ur self, if u want to give out numbers on ur gains then measure ur chest and biceps take a pic of ur self and then compare it to ur post cycle body and im sure ull look good and be happy wit the results .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    not that my opinion or any research that i have done matters, but please consider your opitions before you do 200 mg of t-200 for your first cycle, reason's not to do 200 mg of t-200 for ten weeks for first cycle
    1. body naturally produces 70 mg of test per week
    2. once you have foreign test in your body your body shuts down natural test production
    3. to recieve optimun results your body needs atleast 250 mg of total test per week
    4. if you take 200 mg of test per week you are actually only getting 130 mg of test per week that your body is utilizing
    5,that is only if your t-200 actually contains 200mg per ml which is very unlikely
    6. what is happening is you will receive 160 mg per ml of test and you will shoot that and your natural test production will stop and you will only be getting 90 mg of test per week,so to get optimum results you must reach a number close to 250 mg per week which would end up being two bottles of test over a ten week period,with taht you will benefit from about 240 mg of test per week,which will be sufficient for a first timer,if i am wrong please correct me

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    that is from a previous thread that i found

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    well actually...the way i see it is.. your body produces 70mg of test a week naturally..your body is going to shut down once you start injecting test....however when you inject 200mg of test per week, you are actually still taking in 200 mg of test per week...your not just getting 130mg/week...your getting 130 mg MORE per week than your body is use to....since it was use to 70mg/week and now its 200mg..i say stay low IMO
    Last edited by D3m3nt3d; 05-01-2002 at 11:00 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    you'll be fine at what you listed...this is your first cycle your receptors are still clean. My first cycle was sustanon 250 a week and deca 200 a week and i put on 21lbs and was really not doing everything to the fullest. There is no need to go overboard with high amounts of steroids. This is your first cycle and you have to see how your body reacts to a foreign substance. As long as your diet and training is in check then you will have great gains

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