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  1. #1
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    Question Please Help, Prop and winny pain is killing me

    I have been on British dragon Prop 75mg per day with 50mg LSP winny per day and the pain in killing me. I mix the two toghether and rotate sites. I did my first calf injection last night because my ass, shoulders, and thighs were all still in pain.
    I did the shot at about 5 pm, went to bed at 10 pm and woke up at 2.00 am with so much pain I got up to get some asprin and than realized I could not even walk. So I hopped over to the bath tub and took a hot bath and some asprin.
    THe pain is still bad but as long as I dont sit still to long I can walk with a limp.
    This shit hurts bad, everywhere I inject it kills 12 hours later up to 42 hours later.
    Would mixing this with B-12 help with the pain at all? I remember hearing something about cotton seed oil also, but have no idea where to get it from.
    If cutting it would help, the next problem I have is with the winny and prop I am already at close to 2cc's. How many cc's can I put in my thigh, tri, delt, etc.
    Sorry for such a long post but I cant take it anymore. My wife thinks it funny as hell which is really starting to piss me off. Anyways any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by msu16366; 08-28-2005 at 08:43 AM.

  2. #2
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    ALso can anyone tell me the most cc's per body part. I will never do a calf injection again. Do you think their would be less pain if I spilt the winny and prop into 2 different shots?

  3. #3
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    First and fore most...never inject into the calf.

    Maybe drink the winny...and try prop with B12.

    For me....1ml for bi, tris, or delts. I only do 1ml in quads too...but you could go to 2ml...but it may get sore. You can do up to 3ml in your glutes. These are only guides...find what works for you. I know people who can do 3ml in their delts...and I watch in horror as it would be painful for me.

  4. #4
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    Vit. B-12 would help but IMO some sterile oil would be better to cut the pain. You can drink the winny so no worries there. I never inject more than 3cc at any site.

  5. #5
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Thats strange. I ran 75mg ED of BD prop and hardly experienced any pain.... Just in the beginning. I even shot in the calf!

  6. #6
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    Maybe its the winny than, I always mix them so I dont know which one is actually causing the pain. I just figured it was the prop.

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