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Thread: Pot and Riods

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Cali, USA

    Pot and Riods

    How many people here do both? can someone give a little more info on the subject? an Upper and downer. I've read a couple of posts, they were useless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Cali, USA
    I usually puff the magic dragon 3 nights a week. Just curious if it well have any effect while cycleing. I currently am a prop 215 420 hb patient. Which means I can possess and carry medical pot. But if it effects results while cycling there isn't anymore use of cannibis. Thanks guys.

  3. #3
    yes very large effect. I know something about it messes with estrogen/test levels. Well neither alcohol nor weed is good during cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Doors
    I currently am a prop 215 420 hb patient. Which means I can possess and carry medical pot.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Doors
    I usually puff the magic dragon 3 nights a week. Just curious if it well have any effect while cycleing. I currently am a prop 215 420 hb patient. Which means I can possess and carry medical pot. But if it effects results while cycling there isn't anymore use of cannibis. Thanks guys.
    You'll be ok. It's been done many times my friend. They say pot increases estrogen production but so does Test. Just take your anti-e's like you should be anyway. I've smoked pot everyday of previous cycles and had great results. The pot didn't even factor in as an issue.

    Now prepare for the postings of the ol' "no rec drug talk on this board" But in your case I guess this wouldn't qualify as a REC drug. Way to get one over on em
    Last edited by mkv213; 08-28-2005 at 10:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    This topic has been covered a million times and we don't discuss rec drugs on this board.

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