hi, this is my first post really here but i have some hefty experience in lifting and cycling(kinda). ive ran 4 cycles in the past 2 years, mostly 12 weeks. the last cycle i ran was test E @ 750, EQ @600, deca @100, var @60 mg's. i got strength but i wasnt happy with the EQ at all, and yes it was legit. its been a few months since that cycle and i kept around 15 lbs of it which i think is fair but i was unhappy with the cycle after said and done.
i'm turnin 21 this month, been lifting for 6 1/2 years now,powerlifting for 4 of them but i dont anymore. my bench never falls below 405, my deads are sitting at 6 plates(585) and my leg press is sitting at 24 plates. i'm sitting at 220, 9-10% bodyfat and the goals of this cycle are cutting AND strength. i would like to drop some bodyfat while gaining strength in some areas, gaining muscle isnt much of a desire as im happy with the build i have, but im unhappy with my strength.i benched 500 in a meet 2 years ago(unshirted @ 215 lb bodyweight) and would like to be there again.
what my question is, is im concerned about primo. i pay more attention in detail to the sides than i do to my actual gains. im very very paranoid about heart disease which is my number 1 concern.ive been researching primo for a while and most sources of info report that its 1 of the most safest drugs on the market and has been for a while. is it worth it though? i also read it isnt too strong but im still curious.
heres what i had in mind this time around;
1- 12 Test prop @ 100 mg's ED
1-10 var @75 mg's
1-8 primo(250 mg's EW OR Tren A @ ?)
8-12 winny @ 50 mg's ED
PCT includes clomid and nolva.
ive never ran primo or tren, im really really interested in trying tren b/c ive researched this drug also for a long time and countless times ive heard its one of the best choices in lean mass and strength, yet it gives some pretty intense sides? any help is appreciated, and sorry for the long post.