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Thread: Bridging between cycles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Bridging between cycles

    I've got a question regarding "bridging" between cycles.

    I just finished a pretty avg. 12 week cycle of Test-E, Deca, and a few Anadrol thrown in for about four weeks in the middle.

    Weight: 275 lbs.
    Squat: 585 lbs. for eight good reps.
    Bench:455 lbs. for five good reps (with a good spotter , not bad for a guy with a bad shoulder.)

    Have just started Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for the first time ever. (I've learned a lot on the boards this past Summer.) I'm doing:

    Nolvadex: 20 mg. / day (4 weeks)

    Clomid: 100 mg. / day (week #1 & #2)
    50 mg. / day (week #3)

    I'd like to add HCG, but haven't gotten a good source, so will do without for now.

    My question involves "Bridging"; ie. Doing a little AAS between cycles to help keep the gains. I know some guys are taking 500 mg. Test-E /week when they're "off", but that sounds like most guys' "on". Would a low level oral, something like D'Bol at 10 mg. / day be enough to have an effect, without screwing-up my PCT? If I'm gonna be off for two months, should I bridge for the whole two months? I intend to jump-start my next cycle with D-Bol at 40 mg. / day for the first four weeks, so would doing D-Bol in my bridge dull my "receptors" for the next cycle.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    u wouldnt be giving your self enough off time, thatd be like 10 week cycle, 6 week pct, 4 weeks bridging, 10 week cycle...ect..

    it wouldnt be good for u

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005

    So I wouldn't be doing bridging during my PCT?

    You say you do 16 weeks Test-E at 500mg. / week. Is this your bridge between your ten week cycles?

    What are the effects of that on strength, libido, size, etc.?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Bare in mind,you need to come clean to grow.Staying "on" only floods your receptors disabling growth for future cycles.Bridging is a poor idea.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Bare in mind,you need to come clean to grow.Staying "on" only floods your receptors disabling growth for future cycles.Bridging is a poor idea.


    Agreed. Just get some igf.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Bare in mind,you need to come clean to grow.Staying "on" only floods your receptors disabling growth for future cycles.Bridging is a poor idea.

    I agree that bridging is a poor idea. However staying on does not flood your receptors as you state if this was the case anyone who is on cycle constantly would shrink. Show me some scientific studies to back your claim.

    You have to decide whether you want to cycle on/off or just stay on. Taking a low dose will hinder PCT any exogenous hormone being consumed at any dose will cause shutdown in your own bodys natural test production.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by j martini
    I agree that bridging is a poor idea. However staying on does not flood your receptors as you state if this was the case anyone who is on cycle constantly would shrink. Show me some scientific studies to back your claim.

    You have to decide whether you want to cycle on/off or just stay on. Taking a low dose will hinder PCT any exogenous hormone being consumed at any dose will cause shutdown in your own bodys natural test production.
    You don't/won't shrink up.Who said that?Yes it does flood your receptors bro.I've stayed on for over a year straight,and growth stops at around 20 wks.
    Further more,HRT patients don't shrink up(as you stated),they retain muscle mass.Don't grow though.
    Your statement is of the uneducated.Sorry,but I call them like I see them.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You don't/won't shrink up.Who said that?Yes it does flood your receptors bro.I've stayed on for over a year straight,and growth stops at around 20 wks.
    Further more,HRT patients don't shrink up(as you stated),they retain muscle mass.Don't grow though.
    Your statement is of the uneducated.Sorry,but I call them like I see them.


    Well firstly a HRT patient is not going to grow because the dose is only about 150mg of test every 10 days.

    You said that you stayed on for over a year and growth stoped at 20 weeks. Did you increase the does when you stoped growing? Once your body gets to a certain size increasing the dose is what you have to do, simply maintainin your current dosage will only maintain the amount of muscle mass that the user currently has.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim

    So I wouldn't be doing bridging during my PCT?

    You say you do 16 weeks Test-E at 500mg. / week. Is this your bridge between your ten week cycles?

    What are the effects of that on strength, libido, size, etc.?

    no i dont bridge between cycles, i try to get all my levels back to normal for a while b4 i start my next cycle

    so if i do a 16 week cycle, i stay off at least 16 weeks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by j martini
    Well firstly a HRT patient is not going to grow because the dose is only about 150mg of test every 5 days.

    You said that you stayed on for over a year and growth stoped at 20 weeks. Did you increase the does when you stoped growing? Once your body gets to a certain size increasing the dose is what you have to do, simply maintainin your current dosage will only maintain the amount of muscle mass that the user currently has.
    Once your receptors are flooded,you can up the dose to whatever you want and won't grow.I'm talking from years and years of personal experience,and experience of competitive BBers that I've known for years as well.
    Do you think BBers stay on year round?If you do,your nieve.The simple fact is,you need to come off to enable growth for future cycles.That's common knowledge.I didn't just pull it out of the air.

    I'm not looking to get into a pissing match.Have a nice day!


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Once your receptors are flooded,you can up the dose to whatever you want and won't grow.I'm talking from years and years of personal experience,and experience of competitive BBers that I've known for years as well.
    Do you think BBers stay on year round?If you do,your nieve.The simple fact is,you need to come off to enable growth for future cycles.That's common knowledge.I didn't just pull it out of the air.

    I'm not looking to get into a pissing match.Have a nice day!

    Your not looking to get into a pissing match because what you are saying is rubbish.

    Where you here when BDTR was a mod the guy was over 300 pound and lean and never cycled of he started using at about 16 if im not mistaken. Or you seriously telling me that he gained all that muscle in 20 weeks and never grew after that if so that was some cycle.

    There is a few people on this board who cycle year round and continue to grow well beyond 20 weeks. But i guess even them coming out and stating this fact will not change your opinion.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by j martini
    Your not looking to get into a pissing match because what you are saying is rubbish.

    Where you here when BDTR was a mod the guy was over 300 pound and lean and never cycled of he started using at about 16 if im not mistaken. Or you seriously telling me that he gained all that muscle in 20 weeks and never grew after that if so that was some cycle.

    There is a few people on this board who cycle year round and continue to grow well beyond 20 weeks. But i guess even them coming out and stating this fact will not change your opinion.
    Once again you are talking about things you know nothing about.BDTR stated as a fact he couldn't grow after being on for over a year.He finally came off and hired Dogcrapp to help him out.Think before you type idiotic statements like you continue to type.
    And yes,you are just looking for an internet pissing match.If it makes you feel better,you win.I could care less about you or your beliefs.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Stop fighting in my thread!!

    But seriously, thanks for the help, gentlemen.


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