Can anyone recomend a good brand or webpage to get tongkat ali. I read that your wasting your money if your not getting 1:200 concentration your wasting your money. when i look for it all i see is it offeren in mgs not in concentrations. Pleas help!
Can anyone recomend a good brand or webpage to get tongkat ali. I read that your wasting your money if your not getting 1:200 concentration your wasting your money. when i look for it all i see is it offeren in mgs not in concentrations. Pleas help!
I am curious about this as well.
I've never tired it but I've heard that Redkat by biotest is a good but expensive one. has by far the most potent tonkat ali, but it is very $$$
YEah, whats up with that? Very expensive at that site. I looked at a local supp store yesterday it they were like $18 for 30 tabs. It says to take 2 ed. How many do you suppose to take ed during PCT anyway?Originally Posted by FlyByU
I would have a closer look at the strength ratio on the bottle. I found some at a supp store as well but it was only 1:50. To be effective you should find 1:100 or even 1:200 ratio's.Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
I have even found some on ebay...LOL...
Good call on fleaBay.... Here is one:
That eBay ad is deceptive.... It's actually 2 caps that equals 100mgs (100:2). So they're really 50:1.
Last edited by Seattle Junk; 08-31-2005 at 01:25 PM. Posted by roidattack
Is this Source Naturals product good? Have you used it? This same 30 cap bottle is the one I can get at my local supp store for $18. I would buy the 60 cap bottle though.
The absolute best place to get it is on eBay.
Right here:
this is stuff better then tribulus for PCT? I don't recall ever seeing it around before...
The ONLY Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longfolia) supplement worth using is Red Kat by Biotest. (And if it is CLEAN--LJ100 or Basuk.)
Cheapest Here:
That is a good deal. Have you bought a bag of it from here before?Originally Posted by inheritmylife
You can google it up. It's quite pricing though.Originally Posted by kn0bbme
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
I buy three bags every 2 months. I've looked everywhere. Save buying a barrel straight from Indonesia or Malaysia, it's the best deal there is.
On a related note the best Milk Thistle deal I've seen is $6.99 for 30gel caps of 1000mgs each at the drug store:
Do you just mix it in your shake? How many mgs (1,000mgs?) ed do you take in PCT?Originally Posted by inheritmylife
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
Oh Jesus no. This stuff is awefull!!! I mean, puke your guts out bad.
I suggest capping it. If you can't cap it, take it with something strong like alchohol or orange juice. I take 4000mgs ed during PCT.
4K, oh my. This is the only way to go to make it cost effective then. The 80mg caps at the store are $18 for 30. The whole bottle would only be 2,400mgs total.Originally Posted by inheritmylife
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
Yeah, the supplement companies are robbing people.
This is a little gross, but using 4 grams everyday, I was having wet dreams during PCT, and still having sex on a daily basis. The stuff is amazing at high doses.
Damn, I need some of this stuff....I'm going to order some right now....thxOriginally Posted by inheritmylife
Thanks IHM...I just ordered bag.... Where is the best place to get caps and how easy is it for you to load them?
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
It's pretty easy to use any of the capping machines out there really.
The two big names are the Cap M Quick and the Capping Machine. I bought the Cap M Quick at ********.com, but I've heard quite a few guys say that the Capping Machine is easier to use.
I can do 50 caps in about 5 minutes. 1 bag of Tongkat ali will make about 55 untamped caps.
SV-1 has a great thread on the various capping machines in the Lab forum.
EDIT: 1 fast 400 . com
Originally Posted by inheritmylife
Did you keep all your gains while you were on this stuff, and any side effects from high dose? Did oyu use tribex or trib on pct as well?
Originally Posted by G-13
No, I still lost some bottom-line strength, but that comes with the territory when you run tren.
I never use trib during PCT, but I've heard that using trib and tongkat ali together is a good combo. I just worry about the desensitization to LH issue, so I try to get off of the trib when PCT roles around.
The only side-effects I noticed were increased libido and sense of well-being. Another supplement I suggest for PCT is L-tyrosine. It is a miracle for the mood and general sense of well-being during the dark days of PCT. I use it year-round.
how long do you have to take this to start seeing the effects? Is it immediate? or does it take a few days to take effect?
Originally Posted by hondacrazy
I started having wet dreams on day 6. Totaly gross, I know, but that is when I started also having strong morning wood and libido. I am not new to cycling, so I know that it was not due to clomid and nolvadex alone.
Another gross detail: I started having seepage during the day also. No shyt, I was getting cum stains in my pants at work.
I just purchased 2 bags from ebay what kind of dose whould i start with. I think 4000 is a little high.
I think my math might be wrong, but is not expensive at all. It actually might be cheap, and it's definitly one of the most potent ones.
It's just in bulk.
Extract 1:50
175 gram (5 pouches)
200 US dollars (165 Euro)
Yeah, 4 grams/day is definitely more than I want to take. I think maybe I'll start with 2 grams/day and see what happens. Thanks brother...Originally Posted by inheritmylife
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
Yes thats where I go and its good stuff.
Originally Posted by Slic4788
1 pouch on eBay is $25. It is $4o on that website.
Originally Posted by kn0bbme
1 to 2 grams is what is suggested by
Total bullshit Ross! How old are you anyway son, 16, 17?Originally Posted by Iron For Life
Red-Kat and dynadrol are GREAT brands
The quantity of tongkat ali in red cat and dynadrol is minuscule compared to the tongkat ali available from and the CCM brand on ebay.
I think the ones on ebay are weak, arent they? 1:50 is not as strong as 1:100 or 1:200.
its a ratio, would you rather have 1/50th of something or 1/100th of something, 1:50 is twice as strong as 1:100, a 1:1 would knock you on your ass..Originally Posted by savax
i was wondering that too, i bought some Optimum nutrition tribulus, it was pretty cheap at only $10 for 100 capsules. haven't used any yet, but i may start taking 1 capsule/ day soon now that i am off cycle (next cycle i will use as part of pct)Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
ACtually, it's not a ratio.. Somehow for Tongkat it's different in terms of 1:50, 1:100
If you check out website it shows the higher potency is 1:200. I was surprised by this too
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