Hello I'm new to the forums doing some research on supplements to augment my work out. Ive been working out fairly consistently for the last 2 years but I have a difficult time gaining any mass. (Always have) Im 32, 150lbs wet and on a good day, I do eat and take 150g of GNC !00% whey per day (this of course not including protein taken from meals). I work out 5 days a week hitting a different muscle group each day. Usually preceded by about 25 mins of cardio on a bike. I am now under the assumption that my extremely slow gains are possibly due to the natural reduction in testosterone production as we age. Sooooo if this is true what do you fellas think of the following.
In an article on this forum by Bryan2 he gave a detailed review of a number of steroids and their effectiveness. He closed out his article as follows:
"And Androstenetrione shows the most promise for actually increasing ones test levels beyond normal parameters.
So the key palyers here are activaTe by Designer supps and either a traditional AI ie arimidex/femara/aromasin
or the legal OTC versions ie 6oxo or even better Rebound XT
The use of an AI will allow for higher than normal consentrations of testosterone production and the use of ActivaTe will make it so you can actually use more of the the increased testosterone for muscle building purposes!!!"
Cany anyone confirm the effectiveness of these two substances and how they compare realisticly to Turinabol.
Thanks for the input!