does everyone remember when the net first came out? i do.
and i am curious to know who sets the standards for optimal dosage?
the amateurs? the pros? or pharmacutcal companies? or all the so called experts on the boards?
it's just that when the net first came out and sites like this one posted cycles the dosages were alot lower. and it just seems that every year the dosages change as the pros get bigger. believe it or not not everyone on the boards wants to be a pro nor do they probably have the genetics. some of us just want to look good.
also not all of us respond to high dosages or moderate for that matter. i have seen guys do un heard of things with very little dosages. and not stacking. like deca by itself or winny alone. it just blows my mind what some guys can achieve on little dosages.
sorry i strayed from my topic.
just curious as to who sets the standard for dosages??