I used both Winstrol oral and depot (in diff cycles) and both times my elbow and knee tendons killed me. My joints hurt all the time. Is this pretty normal for winny? Will it not cause these problems when in a Test stack, or best to leave it alone?
I used both Winstrol oral and depot (in diff cycles) and both times my elbow and knee tendons killed me. My joints hurt all the time. Is this pretty normal for winny? Will it not cause these problems when in a Test stack, or best to leave it alone?
winny will do that when it drys out the joints. if you run var you will not get that as bad.
yea winny sucks i will never use it again ,but ive ran it along with deca and it wasnt so bad seems like deca was oil to my joints
and yes i had test
before anybody says '''wheres the test '''
Lol. Yeah test is king. I prolly just use the winny I have in a test cycle and not ever buy it again. Since my tendons got so bad in my knee I couldnt squat. I am still slowly healing it.
ran it with enanthate....my joints were so dry i could barely walk after 3 weeks at 44mg IP per day
It did not hurt my joints at all
felt like i had sand paper in my joints it sucked on a winny cycle
ive ran winny for last 8 weeks of my cycle and had litttle joint pain
When I ran winny (water) at 50mg ED for 6wks it dried my joints pretty bad. Especially my knees and shoulders. Drinking tons of water didn't help either.
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