Results 1 to 24 of 24
  1. #1
    Mike Guest

    Exclamation Let's play a game......

    Shall we?

    Let's play "Fund Mike's next cycle!" I always love this one - I always seem to win!

    Sooooooo........for all those that have appreciated my help and the work I have put in - feel free to send me any extra gear you may have lying around as token of your appreciation. Afterall the price is menial compared to that of your wellbeing which I have looked over for quite some time now. Anyway.....I could use some clen (and I know ya'll are buying more of that than you need) I could also use a good amount of test, love the ol EQ, definitely want some dbol - Abombs will suffice however - clomid never hurts. Nor does Liquidex. (Or the comparable - don't worry I am not picky) And lastly.....I love the ol prop and winny - there are places on my body that are in need of sticking!

    BTW - I never reject offers of any other gear either! Like Deca or NAMELY TREN !!!!!!!

    Sooooooo......let us begin!!!!

    Wanna guess my cycle?????

  2. #2
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    I cannot believe you just did that. I can't believe it. What's the matter with you? Sure, you deserve something for helping people out, but you're supposed to go about asking for it with subtilty (sp?). Good lord.

  3. #3
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2001
    mike, you've gotta PM......

  4. #4
    Mike Guest

    Oh my dear Nathan -

    I want to hear everyone's ideas on my next cycle. I listed some of the juice I am thinking of and I want to see what ya'll come up with - Now discuss.....

  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest
    lets see - how bout some enhanced krotchie sucharetard stacked with equiporpoise, deca -dolphinate and tryabone-assheate
    a good cutting drug to follow would be clambutteroil.

    be happy to send u some bro

  6. #6
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'll kill you! I'll come after you and you're entire family.

    Why don't you give us some idea of what you hope to accomplish then my friend. Cutting or bulking? Bulking is my guess, right?

  7. #7
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    lets see - how bout some enhanced krotchie sucharetard stacked with equiporpoise, deca -dolphinate and tryabone-assheate
    a good cutting drug to follow would be clambutteroil.

    be happy to send u some bro
    HEHEHEHE. I love smart ass posts.

    CO, while you're at it, how about chopping him up a nice big flat line of Finaplax to snort.

  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    yeah the clambutteroil goes well with the flipperplex

    wait a minute here!!! isnt god "all sufficient"???

  9. #9
    The Iron Game Guest
    you want to try something new? something you maybe wouldnt have though of as being any good before?

    Week 1 - 3

    Deca 1000mgs weekly
    sust one a day for 3 weeks
    Fina 75mgs daily

    week 4 - 6

    Eq 1000mgs weekly for 3 weeks
    Primo 600mgs weekly for 3 week
    Fina 75mgs daily

    week 7 - 12

    Prop 100mgs daily

    Clen 200mcgs daily

  10. #10
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    ill play your game if you play mine
    ever hear of hide the salami
    hahahaha only kidding "god"

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    you want to try something new? something you maybe wouldnt have though of as being any good before?

    Week 1 - 3

    Deca 1000mgs weekly
    sust one a day for 3 weeks
    Fina 75mgs daily

    week 4 - 6

    Eq 1000mgs weekly for 3 weeks
    Primo 600mgs weekly for 3 week
    Fina 75mgs daily

    week 7 - 12

    Prop 100mgs daily

    Clen 200mcgs daily
    Hmmm....actually I ain't oppossed to that......I don't think I would run T3 and the clen I would do post cycle only but to be honest that aint a bad looking cycle....I would replace airmidex with liquidex and I like the insulin ....What about an oral to jump start the cycle with the fina?

    And for the rest of you......Stop fucking around - I want some real cycle suggestions

    I'm serious

  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    lets see - how bout some enhanced krotchie sucharetard stacked with equiporpoise, deca -dolphinate and tryabone-assheate
    a good cutting drug to follow would be clambutteroil.

    be happy to send u some bro

    Sorry Mike...but......

    Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! LOL!!! . Man, i just got done lifting, and I'll tell you right now, I'm always so wiped after a session, I can't even find my smile if I reached down my throat and grabbed it, but holy shit i just fell off my chair at that one C.O.

    Oh and Nathan, you GO after his family, GET HIM!!

  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    no point on the oral mike with that one - ur looking at einough prop/tren to do ya ok IMO - little dbol in week1 if ya just had to but after that a waste.

  14. #14
    The original jason Guest
    mike u know im a good guy so i dont mind sending you lots of empty tubs of dbol that i have saved so that you can sniff the insides


  15. #15
    CYCLEON Guest
    u put em on the shelf??? - hmmmm........ sniff, sniff, I remember this one well, batch 145 I believe....

  16. #16
    Mike Guest

    Jason you're such a nice guy.....

    As for the oral - since the prop is coming in late I was thinking two weeks at the start of 100/Anadrol wouldnt be a bad idea to get the ball rolling...

  17. #17
    CYCLEON Guest
    well, ya can but the prop in the sust is what i was reffering to.

  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    Well thats only 30mg/day for three weeks - what do you think of the rest of his cycle suggestion?

  19. #19
    CYCLEON Guest
    rest of it looks good - yeah that drol might be a good idea - but isnce ur using deca - id go with the dbol - also might thro in some winny tabs during the last 5 weeks.

  20. #20
    ptbyjason Guest
    Mike, I will send you everything I have. All I have left are some "Magic Pills" that some mod on here scammed me on. Oh wait, that was you!!!

  21. #21
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    You mean those magic pills don,t work??

    I,d love to play the game Mike but with my limited knowledge I,ll just watch and learn the rules

  22. #22
    The Iron Game Guest
    Shit Mike, I left out the winstrol

    100mgs daily for 8 weeks.

    From day 1

  23. #23
    Mike Guest
    Ok I am all for adding winny but I would run it for the first 4wks at 100/day for the deca and then take a break and run again wks 8-12 - I like finishing up a cycle with it to clean up some of my "cycle belly"

    And just as an FYI - I would run that clen that high - probably just at 120 as I have a problem with my heart and 120 can be a dangerous dose for me anyway - do you run 200?

  24. #24
    The Iron Game Guest
    been doing it now from 180 to 200 ive been on 200 for the last 2 days.. there is no major difference in sides between 140 and 200 providing u r on the right supplements, now if u dont mind I got another 5 cc to inject

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