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Thread: physical questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    physical questions

    i'm going for a physical this saturday. i've heard that you can get a prescription for test therapy for low test count. i've also heard that saunas tanning beds lower your test count can any one comment. If precscribed what would be a good cutting cycle . also androgel has anyone heard of this pros cons please..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    if he prescribes anything it will most likely be just clomid. Not the best cutting cycle on the market...

    You will have to look for the good stuff else where if you know what I mean.

  3. #3
    shred you right my friend went to the doc, he gave him clomid what a gip. to find the good stuff you will need to look around, make sure to educate your self pm me for info or if you have any questions..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Going to the doc . . .

    I think it's important to realize that most doctors will not immediately prescribe test, even if you have a low test level. Once your level comes back low, the next step is to re-do the test, along with related labs that include FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LU (luteinizing hormone), free & weakly binding testosterone, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and prolactin. The goal is to find out why you have a low test level. Some physicians will even order an MRI of the pituitary gland in order to rule out a pituitary cause for the low test count.

    Also, if you are young (teens, 20's, etc.), chances are that you will not have a low test level unless you are just coming off a cycle of test. One way or the other, if you want your level to be low, get your labwork done in the afternoon. Test levels peak in the morning, then go lower throughout the day.

    As far as the doctor prescribing Clomid for your friend, this is very unusual. Every prescription has its own "indications," the reasons it can be prescribed. The only clinical indication for Clomid is to induce ovulation in women, and most physicians are unaware of its testosterone-restoring properties; even then, most physicians are reluctant to "go outside the box" an drescribe drugs for reasons that are not approved by the F.D.A. (Ditto Nolvadex and Arimidex, both of which are used to treat breast cancer rather than gyno.)

    Androgel is simply testosterone in gel form. It is applied to the shoulders or abdominal area above the navel, absorbed by the skin, and used every 24 hours. Upside: For guys who do test for medical reasons, it is easier to use than injectable test, and it is more consistent in its delivery system - meaning that you do not have the same peak-and-valley effect you get from injections. Downside: It is ridiculously expensive, retailing for about $175 for a 30-day supply at the lowest dose (at one packet of 5 mg. a day). Also, it is not always absorbed well, depending on your skin qualities. From an anabolic perspective, it also delivers far too weak a dose of test.

    You didn't mention this, but I'll throw it in as a freebie. Between the gel and injectables, there are also testosterone patches (Androderm and Testoderm). Patches come two ways: trans-dermal, which can go anywhere, and trans-scrotal, which goes on the family jewels. However, with the trans-dermal patch you have to shave your balls, then apply the patch with a blow dryer. (Seriously.) Even the trans-dermal patches are not popular because they usually cause skin reactions. Thus, the most "tried-and-true" method of using testosterone is injections.

    I am unaware of saunas and tanning beds lowering test count. Sounds anecdotal in nature, unproven by clinical study (although it would make an interesting study from a research perspective). I wouldn't count on it as a firm solution.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In response to the tanning bed subject... I've always heard that tanning (sun exposure) can infact help to slightly raise test levels... but like TNT all of this is moreso heresay rather than proved in a lab.

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