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  1. #1
    demirsteel's Avatar
    demirsteel is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    Anapolon Vs Superdrol,Methyl-1-Testosterone

    I heard lots of thinks about these stuffs. I read an very very pretentious claim from iron magazine. They claim that "When compared to orally administered methyltestosterone , methyl 1-test is 910-1600% as anabolic and 100-220% as androgenic . " Oh my god! %910 anabolic! I know that methyltestosterone has anabolic ratio of 94-130. So if the claims are true this stuff must be very powerful. Are they anyone who has experience on this drug? Again there are claims that superdrol is powerful than anadrol. Is it a joke?

  2. #2
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    Houston, Texas
    seriously doubt that bro...haven't tried methyltest, but i've hit AD a few times...don't think anything out there is stronger in terms of mass and strength gains (notice how i didn't say "quality" gains...)


  3. #3
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by demirsteel
    I heard lots of thinks about these stuffs. I read an very very pretentious claim from iron magazine. They claim that "When compared to orally administered methyltestosterone , methyl 1-test is 910-1600% as anabolic and 100-220% as androgenic . " Oh my god! %910 anabolic! I know that methyltestosterone has anabolic ratio of 94-130. So if the claims are true this stuff must be very powerful. Are they anyone who has experience on this drug? Again there are claims that superdrol is powerful than anadrol. Is it a joke?

    Actually yes IT IS 100% true

    but real world outcome doesnt always reflect whats on paper.

    But in strict terms of anabolic ratio yes it is that much more powerful.

    But of course that just means that % less dosing is required for the same amount of anabolic ratio this is why only 5-10mgs of M1T is needed while a significantly larger amount of methyl test is needed.

    SD is about 50% as anabolic as M1T this is why users take around 20-30mgs of it.

  4. #4
    nikelslik's Avatar
    nikelslik is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005
    i have hit a m1t/ad cycle in the past. personally, i gained about 12pds.i kept about 9 of them.didnt experience alot if any water bloat. i prefer inject. aas as it is not soooo harsh on the liver as m1t everything else though, short cycles are suggested to deter any serious complications to your body. peace!!

  5. #5
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    Apr 2003
    Save your money and just get some real shit. Why waste your time and money on garbage?

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