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Thread: Winstrol

  1. #1


    I bought some Stanosus 50 (made by Jurox) in a 20 ml bottle. However, when I was reading the profile at AR the suggestion was not to buy anything sold in more than a 1 ml ampule. But then there is a picture of my shit in the profile?

    Is Stanosus 50 the real deal? (I think it is because it hurts like a mother-fucker for a day after! The milky suspension separates as well.)

    I've decided on a MWF Winny with a TTH Test-prop schedule (150 mg Winstrol ew and 200 mg Prop ew).

    Does anyone have any other suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    200mg of prop ew..not enough
    150mg of winny ew not enough

    go with 100mg of prop EOD and 50mg of winny ED...then you will be on your way

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Chances are if you've bought the gear from a reliable source, and it is bogus then they did not know. However if you did not know the supplier, then you always gamble.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    winny is a huge item to be faked, and jurox is one of those that is faked the most. I am actually using the same thing as you are now and i know that mine is real just because i am lucky enough to have a friend who works at a pharmaceutical company lab and can test products out. From what you are describing about the suspension seperating then most likely it is real.

  5. #5
    I forgot to mention the 5 IU's of GH daily no days off. I am uneasy as to the reliability of the GH being real so I am keeping the Prop down to check the results. Do you think that is wise?

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