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Thread: Define REST...

  1. #1
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    Define REST...

    What is the definition of rest? Is it actual sleep or sitting on the sofa watching tv or both? How effictive is sitting around in terms of rest?

  2. #2
    somedude247's Avatar
    somedude247 is offline Member
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    When I refer to rest it means "sleeping"...8 hours is important to get adequate rest cause that is when your muscle grows....thats what I have read anyhow...

  3. #3
    jnx3k is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    What is the definition of rest? Is it actual sleep or sitting on the sofa watching tv or both? How effictive is sitting around in terms of rest?
    no kidding. ive wondered the same. i mean, can you sit on your ass watching tv for 12 hrs, but then only get 4hrs of sleep, and that not be adequate rest.

  4. #4
    j martini is offline Member
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    Take things as easy as possible when out of the gym. I dont take part in any other sport, and move very slowly.

    I will sum it up - why run when you can walk, why walk when you can sit, why sit when you can sleep.

  5. #5
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Most trainers and Sports doctors define REST in 2 catagories....


    2) Active Rest-Meaning to get out and walk.Play a lite game of basketball ect.
    It's good to keep muscles moving.The human body is designed to endure activety.Sitting around doing nothing on off days won't help you grow any better.Quite the opposite is actually true.


  6. #6
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    Personally, I feel that rest refers to sleep. It's while your sleeping when your body releases the highest concentration of growth hormone and "restocks" other hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. When you're really hitting the gym hard you'll be surprised at how much your gains increase if you add an hour or two to your night's rest. Our schedules sometimes leave us with very little time for ourselves so we tend to stay up a little later and miss that extra hour or two of sleep, but I would definetely try my best at getting at least 8 hours every night.

  7. #7
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    The reason I ask is because I'm going to be driving for a few days and I won't be getting my normal 10 hrs of sleep but I will be sitting on my ass for a very long time. I don't really want to stop and sleep at a motel because I just want to get the drive done and over with asap. I guess I'll have to pull over and take a few "cat" naps for a few hours. I guess that'll be better than no sleep. I hate when shit like this comes up and fvcks with my cycle! I'm trying to get in my lift days before I leave.

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