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  1. #1
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Winny help? adding to test.

    Hey bro's.

    I am about ready to start my next cycle. I was originally going to do prop tren a and var but Ifigure it is getting a little late in the season for cutting and maybe would benefit more from a nice bulking cycle. I took omna before. LOVED IT!

    So here is what I am thinking.

    week 1-4 dbol 40 mg/ED
    week 1-15 omnadren 1000 mg / week

    I can get winny and have read on it and was thinking it would be good to add in to this cycle.

    My question is when in the cycle should I take it and what is a good dose? I am pretty familiar with var, but never tried winny... what can you all offer me as to what would be good here?

    Thanks in advance bro's.

  2. #2
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont know if you're set on winny or not, but I wouldn't bother using it in a bulker personally. I would go with the tren , you'd be a lot happier with the results from it while bulking.

  3. #3
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    thanks bro... never took tren befor eeither. that was going to be a first when I did prop.... what can I expect... generically speaking comared to winny?

  4. #4
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heracles74
    thanks bro... never took tren befor eeither. that was going to be a first when I did prop.... what can I expect... generically speaking comared to winny?
    No comparison. Tren gives great strength and mass gains, huge pumps and lots of vascularity when you supply enough calories to bulk. Like I said, I would never use winny in bulker. All it will really do for you is harden you up and give a minimal strength gain since you're already using test.

  5. #5
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Exactly ejuicer. Winny is way overrated, I got some hardness, minor strength gains, liver trouble, and really messed up joints (and tendon damage). So to me, its not worth it, esp in a bulk cycle.

    Tren would be the better choice, but make sure you are drinking plenty (prolly 1.5-2 gal) of water and cranberry juice when on tren.

  6. #6
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Great info... thanks bro's... when in the cycle should I take it? I am guessing about 50 mg EOD... should I do it in the beginning of the cycle, the end, what? thanks!

  7. #7
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can start it that low, feel it out and then bump it up to 75mg eod. Personally I would recommend aiming for 50mg ed after you've tried it for a week or so at a lower dose. It's also better to do ed shots if you can to keep blood levels more stable.
    As far as when to do it I would start it at about week 6. The d-bol water retention should have pretty much disappeared by then.

  8. #8
    Iceman911's Avatar
    Iceman911 is offline Associate Member
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    My last cycle was d-bol 30mg ed, 500mg omnadren per week, 200mg deca per week, and ended the cycle with winny. I did d-bol wks 1-4, omnadren wks 1-12, deca wks 1-10, and winny wks 10-14. I had great results. Good size and strength. I'm getting ready to start the same cycle over again soon.

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