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  1. #1
    USMC96 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2003

    Question about Piss Tests

    I searched the boards but really havent found any response that answered my question so here it is. Lets say someone that worked for the government wanted to do a cycle of steriods , however people are randomly piss tested throughout the year. Here is my question "Do piss tests catch every steriod out there and if so can a piss test determine exactly what type of steriod is being used". I do know that there are two types of tests one is called emit that can detect steriod use and the other is Rit i believe not possitive. Another question was if the piss test poped for steriod use could you possable say you where taking Orchic extract, Lj100, or dhea which all test positive for steriod use.

  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Tests vary. Most tests dont even test for juice. A good test will show what compound was used. You need to research how the test you must take is performed and what compounds you will be taking (since they vary in body clearance time, amond other things).

    Even better, get a perscription, that way even if you test positive it cant be held against you.

  3. #3
    USMC96 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2003
    Ya I was thinking about trying to get a perscription but my I am only 27 years old and dont think a doctor would perscribe hormone theropy. I will have to call up the testing place and ask what type of tests they run I guess to get a better understanding. I heard rummors like you said that they dont test unless they almost know you are actually taking them because of cost. But do you know if someone can actually say they are taking over the counter supplements or the piss test will know exactly what type of steriod you took?

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