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Thread: Droped 4BF% in 1 month from diet and cardio.....Damn im happy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics

    Talking Droped 4BF% in 1 month from diet and cardio.....Damn im happy

    what up guys....I got my BF tested a month ago and it was 17.5% at 225lbs and i was vary disappointed cause i really thought it was lower. but anyway ive been workin with a PT for 1 month straight now, mostly diet and cardio. just yesterday I got it checked again to see results for the month and i tested 13.5% at 220 lbs, and damn im happy about that especially cause i did it naturally..I was trying to get my BF lower for my cycle and now i cant wait.....


    NEW goal is 10%BF

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    well done bro am doin the same now diet & runin everyday an hour before i got to college but i think if you posted this in the training or diet form that would be better.

    good luck,

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    On the East Coast
    Way to go bro. Now keep it up and you'll be down in single digits in no time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    nice job bro.. this is a good thread for people who are trying to lower thier body fat and think they need aas to do so .. if he can make a change like this naturally then others can too .. great motivation for others way to go

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyvegas
    what up guys....I got my BF tested a month ago and it was 17.5% at 225lbs and i was vary disappointed cause i really thought it was lower. but anyway ive been workin with a PT for 1 month straight now, mostly diet and cardio. just yesterday I got it checked again to see results for the month and i tested 13.5% at 220 lbs, and damn im happy about that especially cause i did it naturally..I was trying to get my BF lower for my cycle and now i cant wait.....


    NEW goal is 10%BF

    Thanks guys.
    Can you show us your training routine and diet?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Im jeallous! That's a job well done

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    Overall it wasnt to complicated, it was mostly due to poor diet and lack of cardio.

    My whole purpose of a new diet and cardio was to make a better impact on my upcomming cycle by bringing my BF% lower, and of course for overall better health. I really thought i was eating good until i got a PT and went over my diet and counted every calorie i comsumed for about 1 week then she helped me by advising me to choose better food when I go shopping.

    Keep in mind the whole time your shopping for food Sodiums,proteins,fats, Sat Fats, Sugars, Carbs and of cource Calories.

    I find my best is on vary low Fat's low sugars high proteins from rich whole grain foods with tons of fiber also keep that in mind, sodium is not to much of a problem for me.

    And one vary important thing i think people have a tendancy to over look is the ingredients labels.. Try purchasing one with fewer ingredients. Makes it more natural/healthy.

    Get your fats from good sources, Buy vary lean meat there are %'s(more lean more expensive)...Eat vegies and fruit ED....!!

    If you jump into it youll get the hang of it real quick on what your body responds well to...

    And last but not least stay away from fast food places, they are death zones for diets IMO.

    I cant really post my diet cause i dont eat a scheduled ED the same thing diet, i just make sure i choose the right foods to eat. All LOW fats if not fat free, NO sugars, fruits & veggies, whole grain breads and wraps, lean meats, fish, tons of brown rice. I find i have to cook for myself to get what i need right. all my condiments are sugar free and fat free. dont cook with oil, i started using water and i cant believe its not butter spray.

    Somthing that i find i love to death now is Eggbeaters there the bomb. they taste 1,000 times better then egg whites and are way healthier for you at the same time then just the regular egg.

    Get a RMR check to see how many calories your body consumes in a day while resting itll help you make better decison on caloric intake other then just guessing what you should be consumming. They cost about $50 bucks talk to your sales rep at your gym thell tell you where to get em....

    The cardio part was hard at first then after a few days i became acustomed to it before every workout.

    I run 1 mile ED minimum before every workout and I try to beat my time ED, so far im down to a 7 min 20sec mile on the treadmill, my goal is to break 7 min even. Also in addition to this, 2-3 times a week I jump rope after the workout 15-60min just depend how i feel.

    lifting workouts are really the same i didnt change anything there.

    day 1 chest and tricepts + Abs
    day 2 biceps and forearms
    day 3 rest day
    day 4 back & shoulders superseted + Abs
    day 5 Legs
    day 6 no lifting just running and the same for day 7 if im up to it.

    i hope i covered everything

    Thanks guys, im really pleased with the results.

    Last edited by dirtyvegas; 09-07-2005 at 03:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    great stuff well done - and thanks for sharing it with us!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    CONGRATS!!!! It's great to see someone break their ass and getting results.You did it the right way...NATURALLY!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    Thanks pinnacle, law,dazbo, spiderrico, sanecracy,][-][ ][-][ ][-][. Im gonna keep this up for awhile. Im actually starting to like this . Curious to see how low of BF i can get before i start the cycle.

    Thanks again everyone.
    Last edited by dirtyvegas; 09-07-2005 at 03:23 PM.

  11. #11
    well done bro saluu salutes you . i talk to alot of people and you can lose weight naturally . The side effects of these eca are too much faster heart beat , high blood presure and even in rare cases death. but remember eat clean i talked to a good friend who lost 50 pounds and he told me he ate more often then before and lost weight 6 small meals and ate healthy and did cardio 1 hr everyday and lost weight. Fruits you could avoid if natural good but to many of these canned fruits have processed sugars in them . but all in all a great job and oh yeah don't stop working out lifting weights even 30 -45 min burns calories afterwards while sleeping. I know alot of people that stop doing weights and just do cardio guess what you do lose weight but you also lose the muscle and tone, and definition that years of weight lifting brings . Drinks lots of water as well helps get rid of water rentention. The call me saluu the roid monkey juice up or shut up . I am going on major diet as well trying to get down to about you body fat level then it is like hockey game on juice up or shut up.

    REmember if some personal trainer comes up to you and says m1t is the best stuff out there tell him instead of handing you 20 dollars for the fitness tip how about i hand you my 20 pound liver. M1t is harsh on the liver young kids stay away it is not candy.

  12. #12
    good job bro..try posting this in the right forum tho..
    that is great 5 pounds and 4% bf lost in a month..that is crazy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    well done bro saluu salutes you . i talk to alot of people and you can lose weight naturally . The side effects of these eca are too much faster heart beat , high blood presure and even in rare cases death. but remember eat clean i talked to a good friend who lost 50 pounds and he told me he ate more often then before and lost weight 6 small meals and ate healthy and did cardio 1 hr everyday and lost weight. Fruits you could avoid if natural good but to many of these canned fruits have processed sugars in them . but all in all a great job and oh yeah don't stop working out lifting weights even 30 -45 min burns calories afterwards while sleeping. I know alot of people that stop doing weights and just do cardio guess what you do lose weight but you also lose the muscle and tone, and definition that years of weight lifting brings . Drinks lots of water as well helps get rid of water rentention. The call me saluu the roid monkey juice up or shut up . I am going on major diet as well trying to get down to about you body fat level then it is like hockey game on juice up or shut up.

    REmember if some personal trainer comes up to you and says m1t is the best stuff out there tell him instead of handing you 20 dollars for the fitness tip how about i hand you my 20 pound liver. M1t is harsh on the liver young kids stay away it is not candy.
    Attn Mods... Saluu should have a disclaimer under everyone of his posts. Just read the jibberish up there, the conclusion should be simple(as simple as saluu)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    Thank saluuu, everytime i read a post of yours you got me crackin up hommie.

    No way ill ever stop lifting weights i enjoy that more then anything else. Yeah from what ive heard m1t's are shit, ide rather chug motor oil j/k.
    Thanks bro and goodluck with your diet and cycle

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Great job must have a great trainer!!! Keep up the hard work and you'll continue to see results!

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