First, thanks to all that replied to my first thread about finding steroids and needles in my sons room (parents house, no room and board).
Second, alittle background. I'm 52 and lifted for many years and still do. Was never a bodybuilder though. Never took steroids or anything else except protein powder. My son is 22 lives at home, pays no room and board, recently decided collge wasn't for him and works as a laborer (nothing wrong with that. All work deserves respect) But, let's get real with the money he spends on bodybuilding he can't even afford to move out of the house by himself on his salary. I have three concerns.
1st, his health. He uses Trenbolone (injectable) from Pro Farm Labs. he also has Propriate 100, Anastrozole, Tamoxifen Citrate, Tadalafil and even Cialis all from Hell Fire Labs with no manufatcuring info, expiration dates or batch numbers (God only knows what is in these bottles).
Supposedly the Cialis was a "free sample". He has all this in a bag full of needles and syringes. Nice!!!
My kid is a top notch kid. Smart, hard working, never been in any trouble. He's a fanatic about eating right, doesn't smoke, only drinks one small glass of red wine occasionally. Doesn't drive drunk or do other drugs to my knowledge. I trusted him until now. He is naive though in that if he reads it, it must be true and he thinks that he's an expert on this subject. I've noticed that his hair is thinning on top (I cut his hair...saves $$ to buy more gear), he's moody, and short with people. That's what I see on the outside. Inside I worry about his heart, liver, kidneys, impotence, etc. It's a risk/reward situation. And I just don't see the risk as being worth the reward.
2nd I worry about the legality. He's risking arrest and even jail. He's having illegal substances shipped to his house via the US Mail. That is a federal felony my friends.
He's providing this stuff to his friends, that is a felony whether you think it should be or not. Simple possession is a crime too. I know I'm a Police Chief!!!! Again risk vs. reward.
3rd is Finances. He can't afford this gear and he sure as hell can't afford "good" gear. Trenbolone is apparently a veterinary drug steroid!!!
He's 22 and has to make his own choices. We talked about it for hours. I made my pitch he made his and there was no yelling or screaming but, I'm trying to get him to look at it from a different perspective. I think he is too obssessed with this weightlifting. I enjoyed it but my life didn't center around it. From a mental health standpoint it's a fine line between dedication and obsession.
Fighting for his son in Wisconsin