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Thread: Dad who found steroids in son's room says thanks.

  1. #1

    Dad who found steroids in son's room says thanks.

    First, thanks to all that replied to my first thread about finding steroids and needles in my sons room (parents house, no room and board).

    Second, alittle background. I'm 52 and lifted for many years and still do. Was never a bodybuilder though. Never took steroids or anything else except protein powder. My son is 22 lives at home, pays no room and board, recently decided collge wasn't for him and works as a laborer (nothing wrong with that. All work deserves respect) But, let's get real with the money he spends on bodybuilding he can't even afford to move out of the house by himself on his salary. I have three concerns.
    1st, his health. He uses Trenbolone (injectable) from Pro Farm Labs. he also has Propriate 100, Anastrozole, Tamoxifen Citrate, Tadalafil and even Cialis all from Hell Fire Labs with no manufatcuring info, expiration dates or batch numbers (God only knows what is in these bottles).
    Supposedly the Cialis was a "free sample". He has all this in a bag full of needles and syringes. Nice!!!
    My kid is a top notch kid. Smart, hard working, never been in any trouble. He's a fanatic about eating right, doesn't smoke, only drinks one small glass of red wine occasionally. Doesn't drive drunk or do other drugs to my knowledge. I trusted him until now. He is naive though in that if he reads it, it must be true and he thinks that he's an expert on this subject. I've noticed that his hair is thinning on top (I cut his hair...saves $$ to buy more gear), he's moody, and short with people. That's what I see on the outside. Inside I worry about his heart, liver, kidneys, impotence, etc. It's a risk/reward situation. And I just don't see the risk as being worth the reward.

    2nd I worry about the legality. He's risking arrest and even jail. He's having illegal substances shipped to his house via the US Mail. That is a federal felony my friends.
    He's providing this stuff to his friends, that is a felony whether you think it should be or not. Simple possession is a crime too. I know I'm a Police Chief!!!! Again risk vs. reward.

    3rd is Finances. He can't afford this gear and he sure as hell can't afford "good" gear. Trenbolone is apparently a veterinary drug steroid!!!

    He's 22 and has to make his own choices. We talked about it for hours. I made my pitch he made his and there was no yelling or screaming but, I'm trying to get him to look at it from a different perspective. I think he is too obssessed with this weightlifting. I enjoyed it but my life didn't center around it. From a mental health standpoint it's a fine line between dedication and obsession.
    Fighting for his son in Wisconsin

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Trenbolone is actually one of the more dangerous AASs. It is very androgenic and hard on the kidneys and liver. This AAS could definently cause hairloss. Most AAS users are good otherwise law abiding people with goals in the gym and out--contrary to recreational drug users (like crackheads, ha). But it is a federal felony, though if caught you are more likely to be tried in state court. State laws vary from it being misdemeanors or felonies...

    There is really nothing wrong with veterinary AASs. The fear is they are not up to FDA human quality control standards, but usually they are just as good (at least in US).

    Well, good luck and I hope everything works out for your son and you.

  3. #3
    Good post! I can relate do what you are saying as i am 21 and sound very like your son. I still live at home although i do pay money into the house my mother and father know about my steroid use and give me a lot of grief to begin with but they have decided its my life to do what i want with.

    I also have a job that just about pays for what i need for bodybuilding purposes and not much else, i never go out, dont drive and certainly couldnt afford my own place not with my current lifestyle anyway.

    I admit that i take my training far to serious and i am addicted but i dont really want to change. If i invested as much time into learning and my career as i do into training i would have a fantastic job, but that doesnt interest me different strokes for different folks.

    You never know his prioritys could change overnight he could meet a girl and settle down or have children.
    The only option you have is to force the issue the only way you can do this is by throwing him out and making stand on his own two feet. Because right now life is comfortable and he has no reason to change.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    First about the gear, I'd say his irritable behavior is coming from the trenbolone. It's notorious for increasing aggressiveness. It's also one of the harshest aas on the market. Propionate 100 is testosterone. Now, anastrozole, tamoxifen, tadalafil and cialis are not steroids. With the exception of the tadalafil (which is cialis) the anastrozole and tamoxifen are anti-estrogens. Designed to keep your son from experiencing negative side effects related to estrogen buildup ie. gynocomastia... They are also used post cycle to aid in his natural testosterone recovery.

    I assure you your son is looking at no jail time. Trust me on this. I know it's illegal but the reality of the situation is 1)they aren't after users as much as sources and 2)if he was busted for steroids, he'd spend maybe 24 hours in jail until he bonded out and then he'd pay a fine...that is all. Thousands upon thousands of guys buy tons and tons more gear through the mail than your son, you honestly don't have much to worry about. If he was busted he'd have to act like a man and accept the consequences of the actions he chose.

    Finances is a great point. I see no reason why he should be spending money on steroids if he can't even afford to move out of the house. That's just my opinion. As far as obsession with weight lifting goes I agree, in fact it's actually a small part of my life. There is much more to life than being big and strong, but it's fun to be so. The key lies in moderation, and making sure other aspects of your life which are more important than lifting weights do not get left behind.

  5. #5
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    Well from one side, he is 22 and is old enough to make his own decisions.

    On the other hand he is a bum and can't afford his own place and buys gear yet he doesn't pay rent etc... He still lives at your place and I guess that means he must still abide by your rules.

    The side effects are enourmously exagerated and the thinning of hair and impatience etc.. that you pointed out could just be paranoia on your part. If eh does proper post-cycle therapy, he should be normalized fine after his cycle.

    You are however a police chief. Your integrity and career are at stake. If I were you, I'd tell the kid, either your clean and you live here or get your own ****ing place and juice. I think it's awfully disrespectfull to put what you've earned on the line and expect you to be "ok" with it.

    By the way, Trenbolone is "good" gear ... hehe. Vetinary or no, mammals are mammals.

    See from my standpoint. I am your son's age, I have my own place, have a good job and compete at an international level in a sport (not saying what because that would be a give away for those that know me). I consume responsibly and no one but myself is at stake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nicely put SYMATECH, as always. Couldnt have said it better

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    First about the gear, I'd say his irritable behavior is coming from the trenbolone. It's notorious for increasing aggressiveness. It's also one of the harshest aas on the market. Propionate 100 is testosterone. Now, anastrozole, tamoxifen, tadalafil and cialis are not steroids. With the exception of the tadalafil (which is cialis) the anastrozole and tamoxifen are anti-estrogens. Designed to keep your son from experiencing negative side effects related to estrogen buildup ie. gynocomastia... They are also used post cycle to aid in his natural testosterone recovery.

    I assure you your son is looking at no jail time. Trust me on this. I know it's illegal but the reality of the situation is 1)they aren't after users as much as sources and 2)if he was busted for steroids, he'd spend maybe 24 hours in jail until he bonded out and then he'd pay a fine...that is all. Thousands upon thousands of guys buy tons and tons more gear through the mail than your son, you honestly don't have much to worry about. If he was busted he'd have to act like a man and accept the consequences of the actions he chose.

    Finances is a great point. I see no reason why he should be spending money on steroids if he can't even afford to move out of the house. That's just my opinion. As far as obsession with weight lifting goes I agree, in fact it's actually a small part of my life. There is much more to life than being big and strong, but it's fun to be so. The key lies in moderation, and making sure other aspects of your life which are more important than lifting weights do not get left behind.
    i agree totally. but i also know that bodybuilding is a lifestyle. its not just a hobby with alot of us. we live and breath it on a daily basis. if people are serious about bodybuilding, it has to be a lifestyle. we need to get our rest, proper dieting at all times, and take our gym time extremely serious. i dont know what to tell you about the steroid use though. i have mixed feelings about it. i have used since i was a teenager, but i also know what you are going through. my father was a retired cop of 33 years and knew/dealt with me doing the same things. i, however was going to college and then went into the military. but he still always tried talking me out of it. it will be very hard to defer him from steroids/etc. like i is a lifestyle. good luck.

  8. #8
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    without talking to the guy it seems as though his son knows a little of what he is doing, he isn't like some on a dbol/winstrol cycle. He has anti e's, test base, and planned pct. Im not a parent so i can't give a accurate opinion but at least he is smart enough to do his research and takes his health seriously to do it right.

  9. #9
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    Do not worry about your son, you are the chief... I recommend not going against your family. People who typically use steroids are very health conscious. The negative about steroids come from mass media or uneducated lips per say. If it is about his health talk to him, if it is about legal issues I say why enforce a bull shit law?

  10. #10
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    Jul 2005
    I have a ton of respect for you for getting on here and educating yourself.

    The more you read and learn about testosterone and the good benefits that can come from it the more open minded you will become. Your angry and maybe feel betrayed by your sons actions, but look farther into why he decided to use AAS. I don't know what to say because i would find myself defending your son because the general public is uneducated about steroids.

    USE and ABUSE is 2 different things. Only you can find out which he is doing.

    The members on this board really try to help new guys in decisions, i even had a thread asking about adding tren to my cycle, and because other members said not to do it, i followed their advice. Here is a link
    Last edited by G-13; 09-08-2005 at 12:16 AM.

  11. #11
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    gates of hell
    If you or your son need any info, just PM me; ill be glad to help.

  12. #12
    symatech, i can see him feeling concerned about the legality of the situation if he is in fact a police chief as he said he is. Additionally, if his son is selling things to his friends, even if it is just his friends, that always carries a degree of risk with it. Personally i think this is left to the professionals, some of who do a real good job at it.

    again, since GearDumb is a police chief, and gear was ever found and he lied about it (and said no, i did not know) i believe he could be putting his job at risk too. So i can see some of his concerns being well warranted.

    An additional suggestion to GearDumb: Be very cautious if your son ORDERS FROM OVERSEAS. If he does not have a lot of money he may look to cheaper overseas sources for his supplies. This carries the risks of customs detecting the package and possibly conducting what is known as a controlled delivery- do a forum search- it is a set up for a bust. Many domestic suppliers charge a premium for their gear, but this premium is to make the process safer than it would be in an overseas or even out of country delivery (Esp. Mexico)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    22 is to young to began with, his hormonal system isn't fully developed yet. If he lives in your house he needs to live by your rules. If he can't afford to live in his own house, he doesn't have enough money to juice.

    Quite enabling him, he pays rent and lives by the rules of the house or he can hit the road. He'll grow up quick, trying to make it on his own. My 22 year old moved out when he was 18, with his girl, when they broke up, I asked him if he wanted to move in with me or why didn't he move back in with his mom. He says he's fine, hell he's worked 3 jobs to make it, every time I offer to help him, he says he's fine. Don't get me wrong, I've bought him things and just give them to him, cause if I ask, he never needs anything.


  14. #14
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    wow im impressed with your getting on this board. i pretty sure my parents would never be here. they would just sing me a long story about how bad it is for you. i agree with symatech about what he said concerning finances, he does need to get priorities straight before anything else. and i would never let my son ship illegal package to my home, especially if i were the police chief, that would look bad on you if somthing did happen and he got caught up.


  15. #15
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    Dirty Jerz
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyvegas
    wow im impressed with your getting on this board. i pretty sure my parents would never be here. they would just sing me a long story about how bad it is for you.
    F'in A Cotton F'in A

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    im pretty impressed that you went out of your way to educate yourself on your sons choice to use AAS, instead of just going nuts and blowing up... good stuff

  17. #17
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    Jan 2004
    better steroids than rec drugs right? Why are steroids illegal, i mean seriously. If someone wants to elevate their testosterone level then why shouldnt they be allowed to? If i want to alter my state of mind by using over the counter meds and/or liquor i can. so why not with steroids. Everything can be deadly and harmfull if abused, so why single out steroids? If women want to get breast augmentation, botex, glute implants to alter their apperance their is certainly a risk factor in doing so. On the mans perspective to bulk up and have more muscle is what society finds more attractive. Since i can't go to my plastic surgeon and order 12lbs of muscle implanted in my body why should i not be allowed to use steroids to help. I don't use steroids but have several clients that do so. That's all it is. Self improvment. Instead of using a scaple we use a needle and more hard work than most people will ever understand.

    It's not as bad as you think. If he stays on make a deal w/ him to get his blood work done every 2 weeks. First sign of increased liver enzymes, or out of range creatanine levels he's off the juice. I can get a chem-22 w/ liver panel done here for $36.00, no doctor visit required. Walk in, get your blood taken, and i get my results faxed to me the very next day for $36.00. That's about the cheapest insurance you can buy.
    Last edited by Mealticket; 09-07-2005 at 08:37 PM.

  18. #18
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    I see that he loves his son I respect that. I have a younger one myself and I want nothing but the best for him, I always will.

    Forget the health issues for a sec. This is a professional issue for you. You can't have your son using and having AAS under your roof since it compromises your integrity and possibily risking your job. He's a man at 22 and you know that. I would tell him if he wants to continue to do AAS he has to do it under his own roof. He's going to do what he's gonna do, you know that. You were that age too and you know how he thinks. You are the same, just older now. Don't preach to him cause he won't listen. Just let him know you love him very much and this is a professional issue with your job and career in the police force. I would even offer to help him get setup in an apartment if he decides to continue. He's at that time where he has to live on his own anyway. My parents kicked me out on my butt at 21, I know. I was not a perfect kid by any means but I turned out a lot more responsible that I though I ever would. House in the suburbs, 6 figure job, wonderful 8 year old son, dog, etc. He sounds like a good kid, he'll find his way and make you proud.

    Oh yeah, if you're a single dad or no longer with his mother, tell her too. Don't let him move this same problem over to her place. That's not helping. I see this as a growing up issue that can be very good for him, not necessarily a steroid issue. Once he lives on his own, he'll appreciate things a lot more.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-07-2005 at 08:50 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    I see that he loves his son I respect that. I have a younger one myself and I want nothing but the best for him, I always will.

    Forget the health issues for a sec. This is a professional issue for you. You can't have your son using and having AAS under your roof since it compromises your integrity and possibily risking your job. He's a man at 22 and you know that. I would tell him if he wants to continue to do AAS he has to do it under his own roof. He's going to do what he's gonna do, you know that. You were that age too and you know how he thinks. You are the same, just older now. Don't preach to him cause he won't listen. Just let him know you love him very much and this is a professional issue with your job and career in the police force. I would even offer to help him get setup in an apartment if he decides to continue. He's at that time where he has to live on his own anyway. My parents kicked me out on my butt at 21, I know. I was not a perfect kid by any means but I turned out a lot more responsible that I though I ever would. House in the suburbs, 6 figure job, wonderful 8 year old son, dog, etc. He sounds like a good kid, he'll find his way and make you proud.

    Holy shyt, ditto. You should do this.

  20. #20
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    22 is to young to began with, his hormonal system isn't fully developed yet. If he lives in your house he needs to live by your rules. If he can't afford to live in his own house, he doesn't have enough money to juice.

    Quite enabling him, he pays rent and lives by the rules of the house or he can hit the road. He'll grow up quick, trying to make it on his own. My 22 year old moved out when he was 18, with his girl, when they broke up, I asked him if he wanted to move in with me or why didn't he move back in with his mom. He says he's fine, hell he's worked 3 jobs to make it, every time I offer to help him, he says he's fine. Don't get me wrong, I've bought him things and just give them to him, cause if I ask, he never needs anything.

    Sounds like you got a good kid Johnny. He'll turn out great. Most kids that age have their hands wide open.

  21. #21
    Damn, i wish my dad was like you. My dad has an uneducated opinion on EVERYTHING, he even discourages me from weight lifting, let alone steroid use oh he does not know about that yet, wait till he and my mother find out, i will need to get earplugs.

  22. #22
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    Hehe, I've even educated my gf enough on GH now she wants to do it. She is starting to accept juice cause she sees I am much more positive and fun to be around when I feel good. It's not only how I look anymore at 36 but it's how I feel that is great. Jeez, I feel like I'm 21 again. Last year at this time I was a mortgage banker that drank with clients almost every night. I went back to my roots of training and eating right and life is so much more robust now. That's me personally of course. AAS used in controlled and responsible amounts makes you healthier, it's proven. My doctor even told me that.

  23. #23
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    BTW, police officers are no strangers to juice. A lot of them do it.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Hehe, I've even educated my gf enough on GH now she wants to do it. She is starting to accept juice cause she sees I am much more positive and fun to be around when I feel good. It's not only how I look anymore at 36 but it's how I feel that is great. Jeez, I feel like I'm 21 again. Last year at this time I was a mortgage banker that drank with clients almost every night. I went back to my roots of training and eating right and life is so much more robust now. That's me personally of course. AAS used in controlled and responsible amounts makes you healthier, it's proven. My doctor even told me that.
    I definately agree to this. I feel much better since i started juicing, i am easier to get along with and i speak my mind more often, my cycles are in the norm and will stay that way. I think the law on steroids is absolute nonsense, even smoking is worse then AAS, but no ....smoking makes the government alot of money so it is perfectly fine.

  25. #25
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    I see that he loves his son I respect that. I have a younger one myself and I want nothing but the best for him, I always will.

    Forget the health issues for a sec. This is a professional issue for you. You can't have your son using and having AAS under your roof since it compromises your integrity and possibily risking your job. He's a man at 22 and you know that. I would tell him if he wants to continue to do AAS he has to do it under his own roof. He's going to do what he's gonna do, you know that. You were that age too and you know how he thinks. You are the same, just older now. Don't preach to him cause he won't listen. Just let him know you love him very much and this is a professional issue with your job and career in the police force. I would even offer to help him get setup in an apartment if he decides to continue. He's at that time where he has to live on his own anyway. My parents kicked me out on my butt at 21, I know. I was not a perfect kid by any means but I turned out a lot more responsible that I though I ever would. House in the suburbs, 6 figure job, wonderful 8 year old son, dog, etc. He sounds like a good kid, he'll find his way and make you proud.

    Oh yeah, if you're a single dad or no longer with his mother, tell her too. Don't let him move this same problem over to her place. That's not helping. I see this as a growing up issue that can be very good for him, not necessarily a steroid issue. Once he lives on his own, he'll appreciate things a lot more.

    And this my friend is the best advice given in this thread so far. I am 50 and done two cycles so far. I also have a son who is now 18. If I caught him doing steroids before he was 24 I would kick his arse into the middle of next week, mainly for not doing the research, and if he did, for not listening to it. As Seattle says, this is about you and your career, not your son. You have my greatest respect for getting on here and getting advice, and believe me the advice you get here is deadly accurate and not filled with a bunch of biased BS. So he either stops while he lives under your roof or he leaves and stands on his own two feet, its really that simple mate. Good luck to you with whatever your decide to do, you are a GREAT father !!!!
    Last edited by Kale; 09-07-2005 at 11:49 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Back from the dead.....
    nothing wrong with him using gear if he is doing it responsibly, but the major issue is that he doesn't have the right to put your career at risk... especially since he is not contributing anything to YOUR house...

  27. #27
    Agree--using gear responsibily is fine, but when it could potentially compromise your professional integrity it becomes something that shouldn't be done in your household. Period.

    I also agree that the steroid laws are ridiculous. Although I'm natural for now, I think most people are SERIOUSLY uneducated when it comes to steroids. I've heard people say "Oh, don't do steroids, it'll make your dick smaller." Right, because everyone knows that your penis makes testosterone. It's that kind of crap that really infuriates me. If people can go to church to enhance themselves spiritually, and can go to school to enhance themselves mentally, then why can't people use steroids and go to the gym to enhance their bodies? I see no difference. It's the same with plastic surgery; consider gear your boob job.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    total respect right there

  29. #29
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    The bottom line is if he is living under your roof, because of the cost of steroids will not allow him to make his own financial decisions, then you should talk to him and re-evaluate the situation. He is using some harsh steroids such as Trenbolone. Do not get me wrong though if these very powerful drugs are used in a correct manner, than the side effects are minimal My best advice is to take him to get a blood test, just to make sure that everything is in order. Good luck with this situation, and PM me if you have any questions. And just for the record, much props on reseaching about this before making any major decisions, you sound like a very smart and understanding father

  30. #30
    A different perspective: My father is in his early 50's and Just recently decided to do his first AAS cycles. He did a lot of research and so did I since I wanted to support him.
    The more you find out from reliable sources about how "steroids" work and affect the body and the possible drugs that counter the "negatives" associated with steroids, The more you realize if done correctly you're really gaining a Great benefit vs the risk.

    My father is a Ph.d, Worked as a chemist in his youth (he knows a good deal about drug interactions and makeup) and a successful loving father.

    He supported me doing my first cycle when I turned 22. And its worked great. If anything AAS have brought my father and I closer together w/o any real consequences.

    Point: Perhaps you should do a lot of research o nthe subject now and SUPPORT your son. Make sure he does things right so the benefit is indeed for sure greater than the risks. AAS use won't only make his body more healthy and better, but it'll also aid him in becomming mroe successful in life.

  31. #31
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    Jul 2005
    I think he was more concerned with the quality of the gear than anything else. Any opinions we might have about the consequences of his sons actions will be delt with by him and is irrelavent for us to even point this out.

    We need to let this go, let this man do his research and hope for the best.
    If my son were doing steroids i would have flipped out without knowing the real truth behind it. Now, well im educated and would hope that he would come to me as opposed to getting bad gear from someone else. Because the fact of the matter is, if someone wants something bad enough they will find a way to obtain it.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Don't worry...your son isn't going to hell.

    That said..I think there's a lot of BS that the media feeds people. It's good in a way that it puts fear in teenagers and all but it's bad because its not the truth.

    The truth is abuse of steroid kills, not use.

    He'll be fine as long as he doesn't overdose and uses proper injecting techniques, and most importantly PCT.(the nolva which i see he has covered).

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    I think he was more concerned with the quality of the gear than anything else. Any opinions we might have about the consequences of his sons actions will be delt with by him and is irrelavent for us to even point this out.

    We need to let this go, let this man do his research and hope for the best.
    If my son were doing steroids i would have flipped out without knowing the real truth behind it. Now, well im educated and would hope that he would come to me as opposed to getting bad gear from someone else. Because the fact of the matter is, if someone wants something bad enough they will find a way to obtain it.
    2nd I worry about the legality. He's risking arrest and even jail. He's having illegal substances shipped to his house via the US Mail. That is a federal felony my friends.

    He's providing this stuff to his friends, that is a felony whether you think it should be or not. Simple possession is a crime too. I know I'm a Police Chief!!!! Again risk vs. reward.

    3rd is Finances. He can't afford this gear and he sure as hell can't afford "good" gear. Trenbolone is apparently a veterinary drug steroid!!!

    I don't think he's only concerned about the quality of the gear. I think he is very concerned about the legal issue. If he doesn't live under his roof and he gets popped for selling, Dad is held harmless legally. If he's selling to his friends and he lives at his house, Dad/Police Chief is harboring a dealer.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-08-2005 at 01:02 AM.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    A different perspective: My father is in his early 50's and Just recently decided to do his first AAS cycles. He did a lot of research and so did I since I wanted to support him.
    The more you find out from reliable sources about how "steroids" work and affect the body and the possible drugs that counter the "negatives" associated with steroids, The more you realize if done correctly you're really gaining a Great benefit vs the risk.

    My father is a Ph.d, Worked as a chemist in his youth (he knows a good deal about drug interactions and makeup) and a successful loving father.

    He supported me doing my first cycle when I turned 22. And its worked great. If anything AAS have brought my father and I closer together w/o any real consequences.

    Point: Perhaps you should do a lot of research o nthe subject now and SUPPORT your son. Make sure he does things right so the benefit is indeed for sure greater than the risks. AAS use won't only make his body more healthy and better, but it'll also aid him in becomming mroe successful in life.
    You are luck to have a dad that helped you along with the process, much props to him

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    2nd I worry about the legality. He's risking arrest and even jail. He's having illegal substances shipped to his house via the US Mail. That is a federal felony my friends.

    He's providing this stuff to his friends, that is a felony whether you think it should be or not. Simple possession is a crime too. I know I'm a Police Chief!!!! Again risk vs. reward.

    3rd is Finances. He can't afford this gear and he sure as hell can't afford "good" gear. Trenbolone is apparently a veterinary drug steroid!!!

    I don't think he's only concerned about the quality of the gear. I think he is very concerned about the legal issue. If he doesn't live under his roof and he gets popped for selling, Dad is held harmless legally. If he's selling to his friends and he lives at his house, Dad/Police Chief is harboring a dealer.
    youre right, i should have added that

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Everyone in here seems to approach financial coercion as the means for compliance. I disagree.

    I suggest you analyze WHY you let him live with you for free...

    1. He requested to live rent free because he can't afford to live on his own and you agreed in doing so without him paying rent because he can't while maintaining an ENJOYABLE youth.

    2. He's willing to pay you FMV for your room for the rights to decide how he wants to live his life.

    3. You never mentioned the value of the room he lives in, and it wasn't an issue until you felt it could be beneficial in dissuading him to continuing on a path that is against your ethical and CURRENT perception of risk.

    Personally, I LOVE that you came here to educate yourself before responding. I see why you've achieved the position of discretion that your job requires. I think we all here agree on that. However, you have to remember you're soliciting opinions from people who have good information on the drugs, how they interact, and how to remedy things, but overall, obviously, these aren't NECESSARILY people with psychology or human development degrees. Some probably do though. Anyway, I think perhaps the Trenbolon is a rather risky drug to use, but many people here will weigh out the risks and STILL use it. Personally, if you agree that our country entitles a person to have the wisdom to electively decide to JOIN the military at 18 and risk death, or vote, and risk assisting in even greater mistakes (such as voting for a president who supports unfounded invasions and can't admit his mistakes). This subject is a lot vaster than is easily hashed out in a web forum. But my firmest belief is that if it were me and I wanted to do the BEST thing I could for my son, I would probably attempt to become his ally, educate myself, (which it appears you are doing, but this takes a while to completely grasp and turn in to real-time language) and attempt to make suggestions to minimize risks. Look, GET HIS BLOOD WORK, and follow that. Make sure he has HUMAN looking goals, and isn't dismorphic. Make sure he takes all the precautions. But let HIM make the decision.

    Best regards sir… hope this all works out well for you. Remember, plenty of girlfriends take the same position you have right now – however they aren’t in a position to impose their beliefs.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Lets be realistic while we're at it. He's the chief of police' son. He's not GOING to get busted. In fact, he could have a FREE supply right in the evidence room. Also, you do realize you have officers in your dept that are ALSO undoubtedly using it.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    cardiff wales
    u sound JUST like my dad,lol.

  39. #39
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken
    Your a ****ing piece of shit bud! It is not like he is murdering people... The war on drugs is a war on personal freedom and a great big way of taxing the people without being able to stop it. Test all your piggies in the station, I bet you get some positive tests... But cops stick together and are above the law, so nothing would happen to them. To go against your own family after having been somewhat educated beyond the mainstream media is sickning.

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