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Thread: New Idea for a Forum What do you guys think??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    New Idea for a Forum What do you guys think??

    I was thinking it might be good to make a new forum for all the posts that are really informative. I have some threads in mind myself. But this would could help cut down on the same questions over and over again. There are definitely some incredibly informative threads out there, and I think it is a shame to let them sit in the archives. I think moving or copying them to a special forum would be very helpful, as even with the search button, you can't always find what you want.

    Sort of like a Hall of Fame for threads Personally I would be willing to help Mods weed through and find some old posts that are helpful, as I am sure others will too. Please feel free to comment on my suggestion, letting me know if you think its a good idea or the worst idea you've ever heard

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    sounds like a good idea i think, i also would have no problem helping out in any way i could=\

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Bump with help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I think its a good idea, but isnt the educational threads kind of the hall of fame?? it has very informative threads...

    define what exactly which threads it would be??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Honestly I've never really flipped through the Educational Board, so I can't say I'll get back to you on that one. One that comes to mind is the someone smart thread or something like that. Also a thread that is from EF about prostate cancer and DHT. Those two come to my mind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I just flipped through education board, it does have some good info. Maybe we just need to add more to it? The anavar FAQ that Xbiker posted was really good, especially since so many are interested in anavar. Also it might be of some use to some of the more intelligent brothers on this board to do a write-up about androgenic and anabolic steroids, their differences, why they do what they do. I realize that the profiles are helpful for telling you what the drugs do, but they don't say why. Personally I am very interested in the why so I can figure some things out for myself. I'm just trying to think of some sort of way so newbies who come on don't get discouraged (not discouraged to use AAS, I mean I don't want them getting discouraged to research before use ). So I was thinking a forum that has a lot of really good detailed info might be helpful.

    Maybe setting up some system of voting, where people can say on a 1-10 scale how helpful they thought a thread was and then if it hits a certain number it goes up for review by the MODS to maybe put it in the educational forum ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.


    Originally posted by McBain
    Honestly I've never really flipped through the Educational Board, so I can't say
    Caught with your pants down!

    (I think I can say that . . . McBain is a cool bro.)

    We do, indeed, already have a forum that contains "the classics." It's actually a sub-forum titeld Educational Threads, and you'll find it at the top of the Steroid Questions forum screen. Also near the top on that screen are several "stickied" posts - those that are intentionally kept at the top as a ready reference for new users.

    You won't see these things if you log on each time to the "New Posts" screen, which is cookied to know where you left off the last time you were on the board. But when you check off "Mark all posts read" at the bottom of the new posts screen, you will be taken to the forum index page, which ahs all the forums listed on it.

    Folks, I encourage you to read some of the things in the Educational Threads. If you haven't found out yet, you'll soon realize that the toughest quality to master in the wacky world of AS is patience. Sometimes people want to just dive in without doing their own research (which is why we see sooooooo many threads where people ask the same questions, like whether you can drink winny or whether employment-related drug tests will pick up steroids). Behind all the current threads, A.R. is a wealth of information - chances are that whatever you look for, it's already there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    McBain has some ideas....I think the Educational Forum is there for this, but maybe some of the Mods could spend a wee few extra minutes combing through the old threads and placing the really good ones in the Ed Forum. Just my 2ยข

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    *McBain quickly pulls up his pants*

    I totally agree TNT. I was just thinking to myself what a wealth of knowledge you and Dr. Evil and many other good bro's here are, and how it sucks to waste your time with the same questions. That was my the purpose behind my idea, to try to clean it up so you can address questions that have some value and other questions that have been answered 135345 times (like questions I ask ) don't get asked.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I personal read the Educational Forums these days, but it took me months and months to finaly click it one night!!

    I agree with McBain and Canes4ever

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just flipping through educational board, you are right there is some good info there. But I there is much more than those few threads over there that should be there There is some incredible info here, that can sometimes be overwhelming to newbies to sift through, I was there only a few months ago . I agree newbies should have the patience to find the stuff, but let's face it, most will get frustrated and ask the question or will just say fuck it and take the plunge.

    Maybe I don't deserve this but I volunteer, if the mods don't have the time to do it, to have people PM me whenever they think a thread is worthy of being put in the education thread. Maybe require them to post a link though, so I'm not sifting through. I will sift through the crap for the MODS, and pass on the one's I feel are worthy, then they can have the final say.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just going to bump this to see what people think of the idea of having a go-to guy where people can PM them if they find a thread particularly helpful. Again if someone else wants to do it, feel free I was just saying I wouldn't mind doing it, as I think it will really improve the board, and help a lot of people out.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Well as a new guy, and the millions of questions i have, but don't post i think that you have a pretty good idear, but that's just mo

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    LOL, McBain, that was the purpose of that board, but I am so glad that you are volunteering for that. Another member volunteered a while back, but he dissapeared. Just start adding direct links to the threads on this thread so I can move them up there. It is time to add some new ones. Thank you for volunteering.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Where do you want me to post them? Or should I just shoot you a PM? I'll get a list together in the next week or so and send them all over at once. Also do you have a problem with me posting links from other boards? As I have a few threads in mind from elitefitness that I found really helpful and I think it would be really beneficial to a lot of people. Of course most of the threads would be from AR though

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Yeah you can send them all to me by pm or by posting them, either way. Umm, on the elite threads, I can't move them to our board, so they wouldn't really do me a whole lot of good. I don't have a problem with elite, but I don't think I could hack into elite, take their thread, and move it over here. LOL I just don't think that would work.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    haha obviously I know that, I meant like maybe cutting and pasting the thread. Or just posting the link to the thread in a thread on the education board. Actually there is only really one that I would like to see up there really badly, it deals with prostate cancer, DHT blockers, DHT, and lots of other good stuff. It's one of the most informative threads I've ever read. Maybe just create a thread in the educational board and have the post just tell a little what the thread is about and then post the link.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    ok,send it to me, I will find a way to make it work. I will give elite credit for the post; if it willl educate others, I want everyone to be able to read it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    It's 8 pages long lol. There is some crap in there, but the back and forth is great I think, so I think keeping the whole thread in tact would be beneficial. I have a final philosophy paper on the meaning of life I am supposed to be writing right now so I'll try to get a list of a few more good threads in the next week or so.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by McBain

    It's 8 pages long lol. There is some crap in there, but the back and forth is great I think, so I think keeping the whole thread in tact would be beneficial. I have a final philosophy paper on the meaning of life I am supposed to be writing right now so I'll try to get a list of a few more good threads in the next week or so.
    Link ain't workin' for me bro...anyone else have this problem??

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by McBain
    haha obviously I know that, I meant like maybe cutting and pasting the thread.
    McBain, why don't you ask the authors permission first and give him credit when you post them on AR. Then you could just send J a link to your copied post on AR. Thats how its usually done anyway BTW let me be the first member to say thanks.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Big Rush

    Link ain't workin' for me bro...anyone else have this problem??
    It's a no go for me too

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    McBain and I have been in PM contact today a few times and I also think he is doing AR a great service. Very well done McBain and like Ron I salute you too !

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Problem with asking the author is there are like 5 people throughout the thread making great comments, posting studies, and articles. It's also from Oct 2001 (I think) so some of the members are no longer there. Like I said, the thread is 8 pages long and all of it is good stuff pretty much, so it might be easiest to just make a thread on the Educational Board with a link as cutting and pasting the whole thing will suck ass. The link worked for me, hm....try this

    Also I appreciate the thank you's I've just gotten so much from this board and from the knowledgable bro's here I feel it is the least I can to, to give back a little bit.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by McBain

    It's 8 pages long lol. There is some crap in there, but the back and forth is great I think, so I think keeping the whole thread in tact would be beneficial. I have a final philosophy paper on the meaning of life I am supposed to be writing right now so I'll try to get a list of a few more good threads in the next week or so.
    hmm, ok It looks like a pretty good thread, I will read it later on. Thanks, I will make sure to find a way to add that to the list.

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