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  1. #1
    RobLondon is offline New Member
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    Sep 2005

    could deca cure golfers elbow?

    Hi this is my first time on this site but it looks amazing, there's alot of knowledge here which is good.

    I've been training on/off now for 7 years, i'm now 23. I say on/off because i've always got big through sheer hard work in the gym, eating sh*tloads and getting the right amount of sleep only to have several incidents set me back.

    The first was when i was 19, i caught glandular fever from kissing a girl in a nightclub and was in bed for 8 weeks. The virus then stayed in my system for 2 years.

    Anyway, last year i was training really hard with someone who was alot bigger than me (big mistake), he pushed me too hard on the benchpress and from that i developed severe tendonitis (golfers elbow) in both elbows. I've been out of the gym for over a year now and desperately want to get back but after all my physio there's still a dull ache in the elbows when i do certain things. I was wondering if i took deca it might strengthen my elbows up again and maybe clear up my condition. Obviously i don't want to do it purely for this reason.

    I have done three short cycles before of only deca and dbol . When i lived in thailand i bought all my stuff from the local pharmacy and was taking only 200mg a week of deca and 10 mg dbol a day for a total of 10 weeks (i stopped the dbol after 6). Even on this small dosage i was able to make big gains. I've always had acne since i was 13, but when i was on a cycle it naturally got worse. Because i was taking deca and dbol at the same time i couldn't work out which was the bigger cause of the problem.

    So my questions are

    1). Could deca cure the tendonitis in my elbows once and for all, or will it at least let me train for 10 weeks without any pain.

    2). As an acne sufferer which would be gentler on the skin, deca or dbol. Obviously both will cause acne but i just want to know if the deca is less bad.

    Sorry for the long thread i just wanted to put all my circumstances across.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Jdawg50's Avatar
    Jdawg50 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I doubt it man. there are probably not any conclusive studies that would show that. Good luck though give it a shot. If your planning on doing some gear for your overall muscle growth... see how well it works for that, and post your results

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    gates of hell
    Deca is good for the joints and could heal your problem, whatever you do stay away from Winstrol . Dbol will probably give you quite bad acne. Remember, dont use deca alone...

  4. #4
    RobLondon is offline New Member
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    Not sure if you're calling me a wanker or not lol. I haven't used deca alone before but was wondering why i couldn't do this.

  5. #5
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    I've had (we call it) tennis elbow for at least 5 years now and each year it gets worst. now i'm up to 1200 mg of deca in my cycle just to keep the pain to a minimum. it will help but it wont heal it. my doctor tells me to stop lifting for several months. i tried stopping for 3 months however about a week or two after started back, its right back with me, i also tried cortizone shots.. temperary relief thats about it. I need an elbow transplant lol.

  6. #6
    RobLondon is offline New Member
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    It's good to meet someone else with the condition. I initially trained through the injury, not really knowing what it is, and made it worse. I've only just had physio a year later. I've been in the gym about 4 times in 15 months and now it's killing me. I need to train!!! I thought it had healed so i went back in the gym a while ago. Some exercises who cause me slight pain, so i stupidly decided because i wanted it cured for good to have a cortizone injection. I regret doing this becuase it made me worse. The pain now comes rarely and when it does come it's mostly a dull ache. I reckon i could train with this but fear making it worse, plus i want it cleared up for good. I've considered surgery but they say that should be the very last resort. I thouught of deca because the best way to prevent the injury is to strengthen the forearm muscles and make them more flexible

  7. #7
    RobLondon is offline New Member
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    Sep 2005
    By the way tennis elbow is the same as golfers elbow but they refer to different tendons. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) - outside tendon, golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis) - inside elbow. Hope this clarifies.

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