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Thread: Valium and Steroids

  1. #1

    Valium and Steroids

    I am currently on a cycle of
    Deca weeks 1-8
    Sust weeks 1-12
    Masteron Weeks 9-12

    I have a problem though. I eat appoximatley 12-15 valium per week, and drink a little bit of alcohol while doing so. My question is is this safe to do while on AAS. I no it is not the best thing for me, but I just dont want to have any serious problems, or hinder my gains.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    thats a bit much V's to be taken. if you care enough about your body in general you might want to lay off just a little. ive take alot of V's in the past (younger days) while on, never saw any negetive effect. but then again i was always doped up. sooo, thats a tricky one

  3. #3
    I acutally heard that while taking Valium, you will gain weight easier. Most of it water of course

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by playa_414
    I acutally heard that while taking Valium, you will gain weight easier. Most of it water of course
    Anybody else heard of this

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    you shouldn't mix valium and liguor AT ALL, i have taken lots of xanax, clonapen, ativan, various pain pills and muslce relaxers and i know that you do NOT mix the valiums with alcohol but i don't know about mixing it with juice. I'll try to get you some reading material even though i'm sure you could care less.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    everyone has a story but my best friend died and he had taken more than just v's but mostly v's and alot of captain morgan, please god be careful bro, if you even have a question why risk it, i have no room to talk but i am alot smarter now and sober enough to give a ****, but i lost alot, you are your own person though just my 2 cents

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    not trying to hi-jack, but anyone know if aas and oc's are ok. I take oc's and drink occasionally, and am not sure how bad that'd effect me while on. Its not an ed thing, but maybe once a week, or every two weeks. thanks for any input.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by jnx3k
    not trying to hi-jack, but anyone know if aas and oc's are ok. I take oc's and drink occasionally, and am not sure how bad that'd effect me while on. Its not an ed thing, but maybe once a week, or every two weeks. thanks for any input.
    By OC I asume you mean oxycontin, This can be a very danmgerous drug by itself. I have konow a couple of peole who have died or had serious condiionditions based on this drug. My advice to him is to try less problematic pharmacuticals, such as valium or hydocodone much less side efects and a lot safer. They nalll produce what you are looking for.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyi730
    you shouldn't mix valium and liguor AT ALL, i have taken lots of xanax, clonapen, ativan, various pain pills and muslce relaxers and i know that you do NOT mix the valiums with alcohol but i don't know about mixing it with juice. I'll try to get you some reading material even though i'm sure you could care less.
    I do not care less , so yuor input Woul be appriciated

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    How many miligrams? I think taking valuim on a regular basis is looking for trouble. If you find an alternative to taking them, then do it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    i take valiun 10mg usually 4 at at a time, but only a few times a wek

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    if your up to 40mg's at a time your addicted. valium's are a benzo and are extremly addictive and dangerous. opiates like (oc's, heroin, morphine, perc's and fetnyl) are addictive as well and when you stop using them you'll get sick as hell and feel like your going to die, but you wont die. benzo's on the other hand can actually kill you when you withdrawling on them. there probably the most dangerous and addictive drug out there and should not be taken lightly. if you can stop on your own i highly recomend you do so before you destroy your life, if not id seek medicel attention for a supervised withdrawl. i've eaten a couple over the years to get a good nights sleep when i was in college but i never ate them more then 2 nights a week and i only ate one 5mg pill a night.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The Netherlands
    Is it safe to take aas while on valium?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Strictly speaking it is not safe to take V's or AAS so both together is even worse, I am no doctor but I took a lot of valium and other stuff in the past and like others in here I have had buddies die of it. Personally Id find it hard to train whilst zonked out on V's. Playa you know its not safe but you take your chances just like the rest of us in here. If V's slow you metabolism like it does your head then one would assume it would hinder your gains, but like I said I'm no doc.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I use Valium due to a GHB addiction years ago, doctors put me on valium to come off the GHB. I use 15mg every night to get to sleep.

    I know its not the best thing in the world to be doing and dont want to get flamed for this but I never had any problems with valium and think its helped my Bodybuilding. I use 15mg every night and have never went higher. I know there could be a problem when I come off them, but with all the BB drugs I use Test, Tren, HCG ect. I need somthing to put me to sleep at the end of a hards days training and eating and our sleep is so important for recovery. I am not adviceing anyone do this this is just what I do.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by snowfox
    Is it safe to take aas while on valium?
    Cant speke for everyone but I have had no problems, I have been cycling Roids for 10 years and taking valium for the past 3 years, have to admit can not sleep with out them, but that is the only side affect.

    Valium is a very addictive drug and should not be taken unless under medical supervision. Never stop valium stright away, if you do use it. Get medical help and reduce the dose over a period of 8 weeks

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