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Thread: end of 3rd week, 1st day of 4th week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    end of 3rd week, 1st day of 4th week

    Hey bro's, 1st day(Sun 8/19) of my fourth week and everything is going very well. I have gained 7 pounds this week bringing my total gain to 19 pounds--from 187 to 206. Strength is through the roof, I can really feel the strength when I bench and also with squats.Most of it is from the D-Bol more than likely, which I will miss this being my last week of taking it, but the sus. and Eq. should be kicking in to it's full extent very shortly. I am letting my diet get a lil out of hand lately, by eating pizzas, double whoppers, just garbage food, but hey when you work 10 hours a day, and come home and workout 1 to 2 hours a night, it doesn't leave a whole lot of time to prepare for meals. Reckon that's why they call it a bulking cycle, but I will get the diet back on track again this week starting tomorrow.I have some lower back pain/stiffness right above my butt on both sides of my spine, but I can deal with it, When I squat it stiffens up, but when I deadlift it gets painful.Need to find a good masseuse(?) or chiropractor. Other than that it is smooth sailing.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good job so far bro. How much sust and eq are you taking? Make sure you keep your diet in check, you will be happy you did when your cycle ends. Goodluck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dude I hear you on that one about the junk food! I am on the start of my 4th week too! I work a lot to so it's hard to maintain a good diet but for the most part I do. I get lots of protein. I alwayz atleast eat a good breakfast! I was at 185lbs now I am at 199lbs. You are making good progress. I takin 40mg D-bol ED and 500mg sus and 400mg Deca a week. I started to feel the sus/deca kickin in last week so this week should be a good week! Train hard bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Took 750mg sus first 2 weeks, then drop down to 500mg for next 6 weeks, and running EQ at 400mg all the way through. Hey BigPete, hows your sus. injections going? They didn't bother me all that much so far until tonight, it felt like I injected freakin battery acid.OUCHY MOMMA..can't wait to sleep on it all night and feel it in the AM..That'll wake me up....


  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    Sounds like u r doing well bro good to hear it keep up the good work as for your lower back pain could be the dbol see if it stops when u stop this week sometimes causes lower back stiffness


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    I hope your cycle is going well.

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