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Thread: look at my proposed cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    look at my proposed cycle

    i have been trying to decide on my next cycle
    i am going to do a 5 or 6 bottle of t200 cycle in about 6 months then my next 2 after that will be clean and cutting cycles--- so this is what i am planning for now

    1 amp of sus per week for 8 weeks
    1 amp of omnadren per week for 10 weeks
    total of 500mg test

    2cc of deca per week-400mg (200mg deca) for 10 weeks
    d-bol at 20mg per day first 3 weeks(more may effect my nipples)
    d-bol at 15mg per day last week of injection and then 2 weeks beyond

    then clomid 300mg-1 day,100-2-7 days,50-8-14 days

    i am 240 at 5-10 and been training hard for 12 years and doing aas on and off for 10 years
    my question is should i do 2 amps of omnadren per week instead of 1 for total of 750 mg per week instead of 500mg

    i usually only do 400mg per week till juice junkie told me thats not enough--thats why i only make small gains each cycle. so what i am planning is already more than i usually do.
    what do you guys think-- up test or deca or does things look okay
    thanks bros for your input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    the 500mg /week is already a jump correct? so you might want to try that route 1st. but i tend to go a little higher on my test, so 750 isnt out of the question. you seem to want to err on the side of safety, so if you were doing 400 and getting good gains, 500 might be enough for you.

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks bb79 anyone else

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    a brotherly bump for Tapout

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I'd say 750mgs a week of Test wouldn't be too much for you. I say go w/ that if can get the extra amps.
    Also up the D-bol to 35mgs e/d. 20mgs e/d isn't gonna do jack shit for you..
    Deca looks good @ 400
    I'm curious to see how the d-bol at the end works...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    another bump for Tapout, I am putting together my 1st cycle and would like to hear imput on this cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Austin, Tx
    Make sure that you throw in some Arimidex to help with the bloat and bitch-tits. I'm sure you thought of this just reminding ya. Wouldn't want you to be walkin around with ninny's. You might want to break the suston injections down to evtd to see max results. I plan to do a similar cycle pretty soon.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    6ft. away...but you can't
    Glad to see you took my advice on upping the deca some. If it were me bro, I would up the test to 750mg/wk but when suggesting things to other people BB79 brought up a good point, error on the side of safety. Also, with a Sust/Omna cycle you should start with a fast acting and end with a fast acting but 15 or 20mgs of dbol may not even be enough to make it worth taking during your cycle. 15-20mgs of dbol may be good for a bridge but during a cycle you are already on it will probably be ineffective. I'm not saying up the dbol because you are sensitive to it, but maybe switch it for something else and save the dbol for the bridge you are planning. Just a thought.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    canes thanks for all the bumps

    redneck i have nolvs but no arimidex maybe i will check into that

    thanks ks ,jj and mbaraso i will probably up d-bol and if it gives me problems i will drop it also i will do 500mg first couple of weeks of test then after a few weeks if im not getting results i want up it to 750 and if arimidex is option i will up everything any ways

    thanks bros
    anyone else with comments

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Tapout
    canes thanks for all the bumps

    No problem brother, as a fellow powerlifter I'm always interested in what you and the PLers think. I would also like to make sure the MODS and VETS get a chance to see and answer for ya.

    by the way, here's another bump for ya

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