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Thread: should I do this?

  1. #1

    should I do this?

    Hey all this is what Im planning to do:
    Im 22 I only weigh 60kg's/132pounds. And am slim as and wanna put on some mass and cut up.

    I was thinking of going on a stack of deca durabolin, dianabol, testosterone enanthate, Nolvadex and Proviron after the cycle and Clomid this is what I can gather what I should do from reading up here, any advice? is this all thats neccessary for me?
    and what I wanted to know is where I can get this stuff from and how much would this 12 to 16 week cycle cost me?
    Ive also read up on side effects and stuff but if theres any thing that u can tell me it would be apreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
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    if this is your 1st cycle i wldn't run all of those compounds together... i wld just run the test and see how your body handles it.. if u run all of them and start getting bad sides then u will not know what it is from... 500mg of test e for 12 weeks is a good firts cycle... start there and if u have no problems, well then there is always a 2nd cycle after proper pct and down time...

  3. #3
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    No proviron after the cycle it will mess with your body's natural test production when you are trying to get it back to normal. Also, not to dad on you, but at 22 are you damn sure you're done growing? Cuz if you aren't then you will be when you start gear. Personally I did not get any result in weight gain and really in strength til I was about 24, when my body stopped growing and quit using all my energy for bone structuring and allowed me to put on weight. Anyhow, that is my 2cents

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    if this is your 1st cycle i wldn't run all of those compounds together... i wld just run the test and see how your body handles it.. if u run all of them and start getting bad sides then u will not know what it is from... 500mg of test e for 12 weeks is a good firts cycle... start there and if u have no problems, well then there is always a 2nd cycle after proper pct and down time...

    Sorry man Im a real noob at this so ur gonna have to tell me what test e is, *basicly hold my hand* but does any1 know where i can get this stuff?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by skin-ny
    Sorry man Im a real noob at this so ur gonna have to tell me what test e is, *basicly hold my hand* but does any1 know where i can get this stuff?

    u can get a great education about gear on here, but u can't ask for a source... do some basic research first... oh and by the way when u start getting offers to sell u gear in your pm box... just know these will b scammers trying to take your cash...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    No proviron after the cycle it will mess with your body's natural test production when you are trying to get it back to normal. Also, not to dad on you, but at 22 are you damn sure you're done growing? Cuz if you aren't then you will be when you start gear. Personally I did not get any result in weight gain and really in strength til I was about 24, when my body stopped growing and quit using all my energy for bone structuring and allowed me to put on weight. Anyhow, that is my 2cents
    Well im not sure I really havent grown much for a while now and really have been on quite a low weight for years now Ill eat and eat and it wont do jack to me I only put on weight like a year ago cause i stopped smoking weed But what do u mean by this :
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Cuz if you aren't then you will be when you start gear.
    What do u mean ill start growing once on the roids?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    u can get a great education about gear on here, but u can't ask for a source... do some basic research first... oh and by the way when u start getting offers to sell u gear in your pm box... just know these will b scammers trying to take your cash...
    ohh ok wasnt aware of that but what about this site http://www.anabolicreview-research.c...products_id=41 for ur other stuff. And what was test e???

  8. #8
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    using gear closes your groth plates... so u will be done growing even if u were not already... that;s y u shldn't use gear till u r older and sure u r done growing...

  9. #9
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    that site provides research chemicals that cld in theory be used to perform pct after u were done with your cycle... pct is post cycle therapy... it helps get your natural test production up and running again... gear shuts your nat. test down..

    test e is a type of test... the e is for the type of ester that is used which controls how fast or slow the test is taken into your bloodstream.. test e is a long acting type... test prop is short.. the longer the ester the less frequently u have to inject it..

    test e is shot 2 times a week where as test prop is shot everyday...

  10. #10
    I really dont think im gona grow significantly more, my brother is 4 years yonger than me and is six foot they always said he was gonna b taller than me from a young age im about 175cm so he's got about 10-15 cm over me so i relly doubt im gonna grow much more, also what are ur growth plates and where are they? Sorry Im gonna have to ask this again: what is tes E??

  11. #11
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    check out the link... it's hooker's excellent profile on test e

  12. #12
    actually i think i just worked it out u seem to use alot of avreviations lol dont i feel like a dumbass

  13. #13
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    Skinny, when you take steroids, even with anti-e's in place you have more estrogen in your body than normal. In males who have reach their full natural height a sudden release of estrogen in the body causes the growth plates on your bones to close up ending growth, structural not muscular, forever. In males who have not reached their full natural growth the intake of steroids can cause this growth plate closure. Also men who have not reach full endocrine maturity when experimenting with steroids they can have a lifetime of hormonal imbalances. 22 may be old enough, but not for me, when I was 22 I was still growing, slightly, but I still was, not everyone is going to be this way.

  14. #14
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    Also, before I ever touched a single syringe I had read every drug profile I could get my hands on, I did tons of cycle research and I asked a ton of gear questions on different boards. This based on my goals, body type and work ethic allowed me to pick my first cycle. Basically, you need to put more work into it, you will appreciate it more.

  15. #15
    Hmm i see what ur saying but is this a certainty?
    But anyway I would still like to know what would be the routine for a first cycle can someone explain to me what I should take when I should take it how much of it i should take?

  16. #16
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    everyone on here is more then willing to help, but u do need to read like a mad man and get all the basics down... then when u have a specific question ask away.. remember the only stupid question is the one that is not asked...

  17. #17
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    use the search button and type in first time cycle... u shld get a good idea of the basics...

  18. #18
    how tall are you?

  19. #19
    er im not sure wheter u's go in inches or feet so ill give u the lot 175cm/68.89Inch

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    use the search button and type in first time cycle... u shld get a good idea of the basics...
    ive tried searching this but am getting nothing it just goes blank and thats its can someone search this for me and post some links on this for me.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    Join Date
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    since everybody else has missed this, the guys only weighs 132lbs!!!!!!!!!! Your best cycle is food, food, and more food right now!!! Steroids will not make you bigger unless you know how to eat really well. Since you only weigh 132 lbs, its quite obvious you do NOT know how to eat to gain weight and since you dont know how to do this, you wont get much from steroids and will keep even less. You should have a solid foundation of muscle before taking steroids. Its kind of like building a house without a foundation, you wouldnt do that would you? NO, why? B/c the house will fall down, just like gains from steroids without something there first. Here's my advice, read this thread and eat like this everyday for at least another year.

    It sounds to me like youre loooking for a get big fix solution and there is no such thing. It requires hard work, time and dedication and even more so with steroids.

  23. #23
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    barcelona, spain

  24. #24
    so your about 5'8", and 130lbs give or take. and 22 years old... stay natural for a while man, give it time. The first time i ever used AAS was when i first turned 21 i was about 5'10" and 170lbs with like 5% body fat... and i shouldn't have i could have gotten alot just by stayin natural for another year or so.

  25. #25
    haha... i was wondering why nobody had said anything about him being 130lbs.. took the words right out of my mouth

  26. #26
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    Too busy tellin him to hold off for other reasons-but you are right no-one 130lbs (except a woman) should use gear

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    since everybody else has missed this, the guys only weighs 132lbs!!!!!!!!!! Your best cycle is food, food, and more food right now!!! Steroids will not make you bigger unless you know how to eat really well. Since you only weigh 132 lbs, its quite obvious you do NOT know how to eat to gain weight and since you dont know how to do this, you wont get much from steroids and will keep even less. You should have a solid foundation of muscle before taking steroids. Its kind of like building a house without a foundation, you wouldnt do that would you? NO, why? B/c the house will fall down, just like gains from steroids without something there first. Here's my advice, read this thread and eat like this everyday for at least another year.

    It sounds to me like youre loooking for a get big fix solution and there is no such thing. It requires hard work, time and dedication and even more so with steroids.
    seems u's guys a right I shouldnt consider this now but my problem is i eat and im still hungry after eating, let me tell u this I just ate A whole plate of spaggheti with beef sauce 2 pork chops, was still huingry and had a bowl of cereal Im still grumbuling and im gonna go eat a few tuna sandwiches now this all in the space of 40 minutes Ive sustained constant eating like this and have not gained any natural weight watsoever, also that plan is kinda hard to sustain who has time to eat every two hours?? Id love to but ppl have gotta work and shiet. Ill make my attemps to do so but .....

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    ur 132lbs and u wanna do ur first cycle..............u cud grow just by looking at a weight if u r 132lbs

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by skin-ny
    also that plan is kinda hard to sustain who has time to eat every two hours?? Id love to but ppl have gotta work and shiet. Ill make my attemps to do so but .....
    it all comes down to how bad to you want results. I and many others on this board work full time jobs (40+ hour weeks) in addition to training, but we still find time to eat every few hours. Obviously you dont want it bad enough

  30. #30
    not true just wondering how ppl sustain it thats all Ill star this a.s.a.p just not now cause Im moving to Spain and need to get shit sorted otherwise id be doing this now just wondering if anyone here jumps on any speed during workouts to sustain longer periods with out fatige? Can this help or is it myth?

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Steroids wont really do anything for you right now. As longhorn said, food is your steroid right now. Eat like a horse. Check out the "bulking stickies" in the diet section for help.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by skin-ny
    just wondering if anyone here jumps on any speed during workouts to sustain longer periods with out fatige? Can this help or is it myth?
    are you fu(king serious?

  33. #33
    would i have posted this if i wasnt??

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    youre an idiot if you take speed and workout, youre just asking for death!! Some people take ephidrine or clen before working out, but I dont think anybody on here will suggest using speed to work out

  35. #35
    well thats the reason im asking so, Ive heard that thats what some pple do to overcome fatige.
    So i assume its because ur like at risk of a heart attack or something?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I cannot believe you had the nerve to ask for a source more than once in the same thread.

    Read the rules and abide by them, or say bye bye.

    As well, at a 132 lbs. the only thing you need to stack is food on top of more food on top of more food. Try stacking carbs with protein.


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