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Thread: Why all the DECA bashing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Why all the DECA bashing?

    Every post I read about deca almost everyone says it sucks that EQ is FAR superior. To be honest I think most of these guys havent even tried it. Sure you MIGHT get bloated or maybe a limp ding-a-ling but deca has been a proven muscle builder over the past many years. So for all you bros that have used DECA and liked it, chime in here and lets here your results. Deca is the one compound I have not run yet and am planning on it soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    personal opinion. just find what works for you. I havent used eq, but i love deca.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    lol ur flamin bros 4 bashin it, yet u aint even tried it urself, gd argument there!!
    Neway i think its gd stuff, all these nu ages on test e and equipoise, wots wrong wit gd ol' sust and deca!!!

  4. #4
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Love Deca if you run it alone you dont see huge water gains like test but I gained 23 quality pounds of 300mg once a week for 9 weeks. If you run it with test though a few of my friends have seen 25 to 30 pound gains. I have run eq with test e before. Go with the deca i personally think eq is a waste of money for what you get.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    hey bro,fellow Hoosier I see.I run deca in every cycle w/cyp and d-bol good gains and little to no sides. Its one of my favorite and with the proper anti-e's my dong stay's working for the old lady.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    in the land of no where
    its good but stack it with test so you wont get a deca deck

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Canada Ehh...
    I liked the gains I made with deca, but I sure hated the sides.
    last time I used it I ran a 500test/400deca cycle. I gaind about 20-22 lbs and retaind about 15lbs in 12 weeks. so not bad in my opinion. but I had a sever case of lethargy and a major case depression. I was so depressed while on that shit I did did not want to deal with anything. it was a major effort just to get out of bed. I used an eca stack just to give me the energy to go to the gym.
    I will not use it again....EVER, but that is just me. I liked the gains but it was something my body hated. And thats ok. everyone will react to stuff differently, so the people that bash it probaly just had a bad experience with it.
    So I got to agree with WolfyEVH, It is all about whatever works for each person

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    all these nu ages on test e and equipoise,
    Candy asses that are afraid of running the proper gear to acquire size.You forgot to mention Var as well.Now there's a real mans drug....NOT!!!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    I personally see a lot better gains in size and strength with deca. I wouldnt use eq again unless it was during a cutter to harden up a bit a get some vascularity.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    Deca rules

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    I'm running Test E and Deca right now and I'm quite pleased with the results. I am experiencing some bloat, nothing too major.
    I'm on week 12 and my sex drive is still way up, good thing my girl is a closet nympho.
    Deca is a steroid that I would definately use again. No complaints here.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I know I'm new, but I haven't really seen much Deca bashing. Most just reccomend stacking it with another compound for better results.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    will be trying deca for the first time on my next cycle at 400mg/wk along with test at 500mg/wk, i'll be taking proviron at 50mg ED for extra labido protection, letro at 0.5mg to keep down the bloat, and hcg at 500iu E4D to prevent the boys from shrinking, can't wait!

    do you guys reckon 1.5-2lbs a week is possible from this cycle? assuming i'm eating above maintenance and i am still below my genetically enhanced limit? (so over 10 wks that would be a 15-20lb gain)

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    I have used Deca but not EQ just yet... You can't find anything like Deca for your joints though.... ahhh.... soothing relief! but yeah the bloat sucks a little... I'm going to run EQ and Deca together this upcoming cycle... Deca increases collagen synthesis but more importantly synovial fluids that lube your joints... where as EQ will have a more dramatic effect on collagen synthesis... anyways... I am betting that using a little of both together is about the best way to go!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I have used Deca but not EQ just yet... You can't find anything like Deca for your joints though.... ahhh.... soothing relief! but yeah the bloat sucks a little... I'm going to run EQ and Deca together this upcoming cycle... Deca increases collagen synthesis but more importantly synovial fluids that lube your joints... where as EQ will have a more dramatic effect on collagen synthesis... anyways... I am betting that using a little of both together is about the best way to go!
    Just run Deca 100mgs year round like I do.Your joints will love you.


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    hmm.. from what I've read you need in the 300mg range for significant impact on your joints.... and btw how does your junk work always being on Deca?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dive_kid
    I liked the gains I made with deca, but I sure hated the sides.
    last time I used it I ran a 500test/400deca cycle. I gaind about 20-22 lbs and retaind about 15lbs in 12 weeks. so not bad in my opinion. but I had a sever case of lethargy and a major case depression. I was so depressed while on that shit I did did not want to deal with anything. it was a major effort just to get out of bed. I used an eca stack just to give me the energy to go to the gym.
    I will not use it again....EVER, but that is just me. I liked the gains but it was something my body hated. And thats ok. everyone will react to stuff differently, so the people that bash it probaly just had a bad experience with it.
    So I got to agree with WolfyEVH, It is all about whatever works for each person
    I had the same problems with depression while on deca in addition to bad back acne. I will not run it again. Remember everyone reacts different.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    hmm.. from what I've read you need in the 300mg range for significant impact on your joints.... and btw how does your junk work always being on Deca?
    Never a problem.Works when needed!

    100 mgs is perfect.that's actually an HRT dose.Most of the older,retired BBers at my gym use it that way year round.


  19. #19
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    You can't HRT with Deca... ???

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    You can't HRT with Deca... ???
    Cyp/Deca/HGH is one of the standard protocols of HRT.I know many guys that are prescribed that from their doctors.


  21. #21
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    hmm.. I've only heard Cyp/GH (HGH isn't prescribed anymore!)... but Deca is an HRT script now.. interesting.. wouldn't think they would go that route but that's cool!

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    hmm.. I've only heard Cyp/GH (HGH isn't prescribed anymore!)... but Deca is an HRT script now.. interesting.. wouldn't think they would go that route but that's cool!
    Who told you HGH wasn't prescribed anymore? What country are you from?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Who told you HGH wasn't prescribed anymore? What country are you from?
    If you got the cash,the doctors will write HGH scripts all day long.Same with Cyp and Deca.
    There's alot of retired high level BBers where I train.They're all on that combo.

    I am too,but with my own prescription.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    hmm.. from what I've read you need in the 300mg range for significant impact on your joints.... and btw how does your junk work always being on Deca?
    I have been on deca and test since November and mine is functioning just fine thank you. No ball shrinkage and I even DID my wife 3 times today at my ripe old age of 40, and it took no time at all to give the juice too. My secret is take tongkat ali all during your cycle and use it in place of HCG, it essentially does the same thing HCG does. Recovers bad sex drive and nut size no matter what you are on and it also restores the volume, thickness and fertility/sperm count of your cum, completely defeating the effects of deca on your manhood. My nut size right now in spite of approximately 10 to 11 months of deca use, are slightly "larger" then precycle size, sex drive, volume, fertility, etc are all perfectly normal!

  25. #25
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    actually I'm from the US of A and in this country we quit extracting HUMAN growth hormone from Cadavers a long time ago... apparently the risk of serious disease from using this particular kind of growth hormone isn't worth the risk associated with it when we can get prescriptions for synthetic GH (growth hormone) that is just as effective... anyways... HGH is not what people are taking... it's GH. Just an FYI!

    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Who told you HGH wasn't prescribed anymore? What country are you from?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    actually I'm from the US of A and in this country we quit extracting HUMAN growth hormone from Cadavers a long time ago... apparently the risk of serious disease from using this particular kind of growth hormone isn't worth the risk associated with it when we can get prescriptions for synthetic GH (growth hormone) that is just as effective... anyways... HGH is not what people are taking... it's GH. Just an FYI!
    Actually it is still called hgh even though it's synthetic. FYI

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    In the Fog with birddog
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    My secret is take tongkat ali all during your cycle and use it in place of HCG, it essentially does the same thing HCG does. Recovers bad sex drive and nut size no matter what you are on and it also restores the volume, thickness and fertility/sperm count of your cum, completely defeating the effects of deca on your manhood. My nut size right now in spite of approximately 10 to 11 months of deca use, are slightly "larger" then precycle size, sex drive, volume, fertility, etc are all perfectly normal!
    Where do I sign up...This is good news to hear, as I've recently purchased a tongkat ali/tribulus combonation powder & now I'm really ready to try it... Stuff smells bad though...

    Oh yeah this tread is about Deca???

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    hmm.. I've only heard Cyp/GH (HGH isn't prescribed anymore!)... but Deca is an HRT script now.. interesting.. wouldn't think they would go that route but that's cool!
    What the hell is the difference between HGH and GH?? I know it used to be sourced from cadavers and now is almost exclusively recombinant DNA technology. But you still call it hgh right??

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    Actually it is still called hgh even though it's synthetic. FYI
    Yep, That's what I thought too.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    I'm pretty sure whether you call it HGH or GH people will understand I just think it's stupid to refer to it as an inferior product... It's growth hormone now... it's not extracted from cadavers so therefore I will call it what it is.. we aren't calling Test... Bull Test even though the first steroids were extractions from Bull testicles... so it just made sense to me to stick with the modern term of GH... if you're stuck on HGH though I'll just overlook your stubborness..

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Hey we are talking about Deca I thought, start your own thread you hijackers!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    I personally see a lot better gains in size and strength with deca. I wouldnt use eq again unless it was during a cutter to harden up a bit a get some vascularity.
    why not run both at the same time run the eq throughout and the deca for like 8-10...

  33. #33
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dive_kid
    I liked the gains I made with deca, but I sure hated the sides.
    last time I used it I ran a 500test/400deca cycle. I gaind about 20-22 lbs and retaind about 15lbs in 12 weeks. so not bad in my opinion. but I had a sever case of lethargy and a major case depression. I was so depressed while on that shit I did did not want to deal with anything. it was a major effort just to get out of bed. I used an eca stack just to give me the energy to go to the gym.
    I will not use it again....EVER, but that is just me. I liked the gains but it was something my body hated. And thats ok. everyone will react to stuff differently, so the people that bash it probaly just had a bad experience with it.
    So I got to agree with WolfyEVH, It is all about whatever works for each person
    Ive ran both (currently on EQ) and I must agree with Dive kid, I was super lethargic and didnt want to do anything. Wanted to sleep. I personally wouldnt do a test/deca stack again, I love EQ so far. Not huge gains but I have gained what I wanted and am a lot harder. Maybe I might run a Test/Deca/EQ stack, see how that goes. A bro on here ran that and said he got really good gains.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    lol ur flamin bros 4 bashin it, yet u aint even tried it urself, gd argument there!!
    Neway i think its gd stuff, all these nu ages on test e and equipoise, wots wrong wit gd ol' sust and deca!!!
    amen. people, i guess, always want to try the "new" stuff on the block. deca, dbol, sust. good, proven result stuff. stick with the basics and you will get your best results.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Well isnt there something you can take while using deca to counteract the tiredness that comes with it. I would think that all the size that comes with a cycle is enough to make me want to live in the gym. Is it really that hard to get motivated while on deca?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yeah I took vit B12 and caffeine, yeah got me through the gym(plus the motivation of getting bigger) but afterwards I was very tired and didnt feel like doing anything

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    Well isnt there something you can take while using deca to counteract the tiredness that comes with it. I would think that all the size that comes with a cycle is enough to make me want to live in the gym. Is it really that hard to get motivated while on deca?
    i get pumped and energetic on most aas. imo its all mental. just the thought of going to the gym pumps me up. i guess i'm an addict though. but everyone reacts differently. i'm glad i lucked out.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Froggy
    Where do I sign up...This is good news to hear, as I've recently purchased a tongkat ali/tribulus combonation powder & now I'm really ready to try it... Stuff smells bad though...

    Oh yeah this tread is about Deca???

    I never tried tribulus this way, but it may work too... I often take it as a test enhancer in my body... I never mesured, but it worked... even though it was psychological or not...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004
    deca is one of the safest and most effective AAS out there... stacked with test and jumpstarted with dbol is a great synergistic stack.. 12 weeks 500 test, 400 deca, and first 6 weeks with 40mg dbol is awsome...

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    why not run both at the same time run the eq throughout and the deca for like 8-10...
    No need. I like to keep it fairly simple most of the time and the main effect I really get from eq is just hardening up which I could care less about when I'm in the middle of bulking.

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