I really don't know what's going on.
It's 6th week of Test Enanthate (500 mg/week), EQ (400 mg/week), HGH (4 iu/ED) and Insulin (8 iu/ED) and none of them has kicked in. In fact, I'm even weaker (weights have dropped 5-10 lbs) in some exercises.
Since I've researched for years, I'm quite sure that everything should be correct:
1) I'm eating 360g protein, 500g carbs and 100g fats a day. (I'm 180 lbs / 82 kg, 8 % BF).
2) I'm sleeping 10 hours a day.
3) I'm taking a shitload of vitamins.
4) I'm using a lot of healthy supplements (like hawthrone berry tea etc).
5) My training plan is quite intensive.
6) I train one muscle 3 times in 2 weeks or sometimes even 2 times a week.
7) The gear is from very trustworthy source.
I have noticed one serious change too. Last few days I'm getting pumped very very easily (especially biceps, forearms) and it's hard to continue training. Muscles hurt more when training with same weights as I have used to. Although I'm bigger after workout than I was before cycle, the pump is gone in like 15 mins after workout.
So basically for weights and size nothing has changed (if not gone worse) compared to 6 weeks before.
I've heard that normal time for Test E and EQ to kick in is 4-5 weeks. Isn't it strange that it's 6th week and the gear still hasn't kicked in?? If it hasn't kicked in by 6th week, will it ever do?